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French SS Mania club

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2,552) Axiaan 100.00% 4,497.23pp 247,533,201,610 52,000 0 0
2 (#694) Kitsuka 100.00% 9,412.40pp 181,628,723,838 26,385 1 0
3 (#3,394) Hikona 99.46% 3,628.16pp 23,181,831,659 11,002 364 142
4 (#2,769) Lavanville 99.95% 4,246.75pp 75,006,663,887 10,660 70 0
5 (#10,329) Sevelik 99.96% 1,543.50pp 11,441,477,407 7,753 17 3
6 (#1,248) Eloi2525 99.55% 7,168.69pp 7,651,751,180 958 550 9
7 (#2,532) Keik_o 99.29% 4,511.57pp 3,201,142,629 189 695 380
8 (#11,044) MiPS486 99.85% 1,454.43pp 501,095,492 181 104 32
9 (#22,998) PatouZ 99.49% 700.45pp 309,425,439 24 117 5
10 (#1,221,854) Paturages 92.87% 1.58pp 971,652 0 0 1
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