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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#7) NyanPotato 95.43% 22,367.70pp 16,229,826,073 16 431 1,018
2 (#24) shimon 98.08% 20,543.20pp 36,207,400,160 104 1,044 2,387
3 (#37) Utami 98.27% 19,738.10pp 65,057,102,769 216 1,123 1,234
4 (#46) Mathi 99.07% 19,370.10pp 199,770,373,863 186 2,991 2,363
5 (#55) Connor McDavid 98.76% 18,788.30pp 145,879,228,851 295 3,899 2,583
6 (#57) Aricin 98.72% 18,717.90pp 82,308,654,507 90 1,683 2,390
7 (#74) [MG]Arnold24x24 98.85% 18,321.40pp 81,004,761,693 862 2,368 1,483
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