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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#12) Nurend 98.66% 19,178.10pp 3,017,774,320 253 1,491 539
2 (#37) BFKB113PBK 98.72% 17,678.00pp 2,248,922,126 40 613 904
3 (#44) petterde 98.43% 17,521.10pp 3,343,439,678 70 1,453 844
4 (#192) Raphalge 98.91% 14,687.80pp 3,426,064,761 167 1,236 1,924
5 (#223) GamersDecision 97.93% 14,291.00pp 15,124,104,541 3,132 8,474 757
6 (#480) Tsukani 97.61% 12,353.00pp 1,844,645,943 232 717 673
7 (#531) vodnanen 99.03% 12,125.40pp 4,834,786,116 872 2,771 760
8 (#552) Antti 99.20% 12,030.70pp 4,029,238,511 2,892 2,401 1,175
9 (#622) Captain 98.67% 11,725.20pp 2,221,860,323 7 535 759
10 (#637) Mazzuli500 97.49% 11,655.90pp 2,023,039,219 16 289 1,290
11 (#675) Mills 98.98% 11,511.20pp 2,538,014,657 87 1,077 1,404
12 (#692) mikku1 98.55% 11,444.90pp 2,206,661,867 38 828 622
13 (#788) YERTI 98.80% 11,135.60pp 2,388,266,180 76 1,581 415
14 (#885) duski 98.51% 10,837.30pp 2,886,346,307 663 2,822 99
15 (#978) Lemmie 97.82% 10,579.00pp 662,360,777 11 258 420
16 (#1,038) Vendelicious 99.38% 10,418.90pp 2,837,408,486 170 1,179 1,285
17 (#1,401) sd enjoyer 97.72% 9,397.74pp 1,234,801,652 150 687 850
18 (#1,698) Reikocchi 98.92% 8,746.92pp 1,798,495,680 2 474 955
19 (#1,994) Aatu 97.71% 8,196.39pp 1,169,659,338 22 407 946
20 (#2,025) 1794766 98.25% 8,152.63pp 2,232,775,197 125 1,373 962
21 (#2,053) Haadez 97.54% 8,107.64pp 915,182,176 1,182 449 690
22 (#2,080) TraxieChan 98.47% 8,065.28pp 899,750,491 9 362 455
23 (#2,225) RasmusCactus 98.08% 7,818.80pp 2,618,858,718 288 819 2,410
24 (#2,627) Emilly 95.73% 7,274.08pp 1,169,203,663 57 214 1,563
25 (#3,092) Samwais 97.48% 6,780.98pp 1,176,803,775 14 797 469
26 (#3,126) KinomiCandy 98.92% 6,746.85pp 1,120,738,825 123 1,175 245
27 (#3,157) Zoel 97.81% 6,704.50pp 1,470,215,028 55 702 1,103
28 (#3,614) NamesAreRubbish 97.21% 6,267.45pp 439,826,422 6 330 442
29 (#3,696) Fjell 98.36% 6,207.24pp 605,079,855 11 162 581
30 (#4,002) scylla 97.91% 5,969.08pp 282,681,917 10 86 218
31 (#4,120) ZeCryptic 97.74% 5,873.95pp 864,970,767 5 119 973
32 (#4,459) Lefafel 98.49% 5,626.44pp 1,612,678,757 31 572 1,337
33 (#4,676) Amanda 96.31% 5,484.50pp 628,973,265 0 78 699
34 (#4,759) Setomi 98.27% 5,423.36pp 664,210,343 19 327 458
35 (#5,847) Shameimaru 98.52% 4,811.92pp 394,926,965 35 177 371
36 (#6,738) Santeri 98.93% 4,410.91pp 524,069,865 9 129 779
37 (#6,771) folence 97.22% 4,394.65pp 372,261,951 3 79 425
38 (#6,791) Groex 98.57% 4,388.23pp 213,805,028 5 115 221
39 (#7,582) Mile 96.48% 4,072.73pp 474,083,573 577 281 448
40 (#7,846) EclipZ 96.81% 3,968.28pp 244,726,671 7 63 292
41 (#8,533) Veeti 98.62% 3,759.46pp 401,084,828 45 336 334
42 (#8,649) Crustbell 98.84% 3,719.15pp 193,756,152 10 100 292
43 (#8,684) -Kaguya 99.11% 3,708.83pp 143,519,562 10 110 158
44 (#8,803) -PC 98.52% 3,667.39pp 75,453,711 16 81 96
45 (#10,177) Huukkeli 97.12% 3,277.15pp 162,975,340 12 131 252
46 (#10,829) shdewz 99.62% 3,121.74pp 67,408,093 51 59 41
47 (#11,081) vv72 97.86% 3,070.31pp 127,571,365 6 130 210
48 (#11,083) -GN 96.02% 3,070.09pp 94,062,573 3 34 95
49 (#11,307) xbox dog 98.88% 3,015.70pp 134,614,910 24 108 232
50 (#11,396) salchow 95.37% 3,000.22pp 105,128,082 7 110 136
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