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UniĆ£o Sinistra

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 -felicia 97.66% 13,309.32pp 27,396,456,576 6,466 548 526
2 Jo Yuri 97.27% 12,501.51pp 78,561,646,246 87 1,513 2,308
3 Hyper0cube 99.41% 10,643.40pp 53,714,994,265 129 1,294 1,921
4 nicas 97.87% 10,443.52pp 50,451,070,382 152 1,430 3,341
5 viniccius13 96.01% 9,781.98pp 10,563,628,373 119 561 894
6 OK Computer 98.28% 9,169.27pp 36,563,140,520 231 1,500 2,397
7 DrDelirio 99.03% 9,042.71pp 50,852,142,402 21 218 741
8 Minami 98.82% 6,939.12pp 16,503,929,098 180 1,157 922
9 gowon 98.74% 5,361.62pp 11,057,790,741 70 376 1,519
10 sephiroth 98.46% 5,287.36pp 5,108,840,014 9 201 546
11 Psykka 93.94% 4,906.27pp 2,876,703,346 7 61 376
12 OLuffyP 29.89% 0.00pp 1,414,326 0 0 0
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