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UniĆ£o Sinistra

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,522) Hyper0cube 99.41% 10,643.40pp 53,714,994,265 129 1,294 1,921
2 (#3,616) Jo Yuri 98.92% 10,602.30pp 78,399,960,049 87 1,430 2,224
3 (#5,432) -felicia 99.80% 9,874.26pp 26,896,192,701 6,208 327 472
4 (#6,773) nicas 99.40% 9,467.85pp 50,280,227,020 152 1,324 3,281
5 (#8,509) DrDelirio 99.03% 9,042.71pp 50,852,142,402 21 218 741
6 (#8,882) OK Computer 99.29% 8,973.50pp 36,551,296,958 230 1,494 2,394
7 (#26,225) viniccius13 99.15% 7,081.93pp 10,046,057,352 44 355 842
8 (#28,532) Minami 98.82% 6,939.12pp 16,503,929,098 180 1,157 922
9 (#71,053) gowon 98.74% 5,361.62pp 11,057,790,741 70 376 1,519
10 (#74,044) sephiroth 98.46% 5,287.36pp 5,108,840,014 9 201 546
11 (#91,982) Psykka 93.94% 4,906.27pp 2,876,703,346 7 61 376
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