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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
651 Nitrox1de 95.03% 4,841.77pp 792,401,913 32 707 121
652 storn42 97.05% 4,837.11pp 643,751,510 3 504 172
653 coolbrd 96.35% 4,836.51pp 942,781,684 41 874 117
654 phui 96.69% 4,834.49pp 1,753,569,817 23 1,675 270
655 nick54379 95.90% 4,833.38pp 1,091,114,409 23 669 326
656 ahitt6345 98.55% 4,830.11pp 4,763,473,587 90 498 698
657 damn shes 15 98.27% 4,823.84pp 6,123,325,894 15 447 909
658 l33ttoast 90.08% 4,820.26pp 449,915,400 24 439 31
659 Vlunce 96.71% 4,795.54pp 1,102,845,193 9 984 206
660 [ Kukuru ] 95.64% 4,787.29pp 602,644,802 0 429 260
661 Niper Khorth 96.75% 4,782.46pp 806,600,243 9 691 151
662 caim1231 94.83% 4,777.23pp 1,010,899,317 17 446 435
663 ALazyName 96.35% 4,773.89pp 582,526,190 0 448 171
664 Shinyaron 96.05% 4,755.98pp 582,775,143 3 505 164
665 HayabusaFangirl 95.93% 4,744.37pp 1,151,871,736 20 767 466
666 WaffleOfOblivion 95.89% 4,743.62pp 828,177,993 14 618 300
667 maggietan 95.40% 4,735.43pp 672,225,617 13 591 130
668 Variko 94.87% 4,695.32pp 801,800,470 14 718 182
669 BizerkPixel 97.82% 4,690.26pp 726,303,181 30 676 63
670 aniru919 95.89% 4,677.51pp 810,548,607 24 597 240
671 kan tai 84.99% 4,668.84pp 1,288,838,606 29 1,031 364
672 Acretion 96.56% 4,648.29pp 310,691,491 2 237 93
673 Notecoiler 95.23% 4,643.58pp 387,386,475 2 335 122
674 AxiomaticSystem 95.55% 4,640.82pp 795,460,869 7 589 267
675 sjrc6 95.25% 4,639.41pp 478,471,068 1 376 154
676 zakuleader 97.20% 4,632.17pp 1,679,762,942 101 1,480 261
677 CookieBoxes 97.77% 4,628.35pp 761,879,009 8 733 100
678 advanst 96.08% 4,619.32pp 686,854,322 11 633 102
679 EvkT 96.56% 4,618.02pp 1,290,296,320 3 1,039 274
680 nightshade8 96.28% 4,614.75pp 353,163,074 1 313 76
681 Kakes 91.81% 4,612.88pp 648,504,577 20 552 137
682 Viosmic 96.29% 4,610.37pp 644,554,963 9 588 102
683 Leica 94.02% 4,607.86pp 1,577,828,091 26 1,296 409
684 timftw21 96.44% 4,607.38pp 612,249,158 6 621 99
685 CrippledEgg 95.76% 4,604.71pp 844,340,100 22 742 196
686 Asekeal 87.23% 4,594.90pp 1,012,916,121 2 706 318
687 Gillstar 97.75% 4,564.67pp 3,290,609,747 4 87 779
688 Nanosinix 94.60% 4,549.60pp 4,192,364,290 28 251 459
689 Zravy 95.44% 4,546.39pp 844,460,428 1 450 447
690 Burgerlands 97.27% 4,541.31pp 609,698,557 18 611 50
691 Dracilen 98.00% 4,539.00pp 2,573,536,163 1 113 199
692 Deathstaff 92.52% 4,538.73pp 427,603,695 0 170 227
693 misterbobhead 96.79% 4,529.02pp 739,848,367 2 605 186
694 nanobyter 96.18% 4,528.94pp 1,786,159,087 114 1,411 359
695 frogd 95.24% 4,520.07pp 644,521,161 52 544 115
696 N0tNate 71.18% 4,516.12pp 431,907,164 13 369 91
697 DrearyPandas 96.69% 4,494.60pp 1,793,937,719 75 1,699 214
698 Revinous 95.57% 4,492.97pp 1,117,816,819 17 925 312
699 Newb 97.65% 4,491.80pp 910,627,876 90 864 25
700 Kumatamo 96.57% 4,488.39pp 711,930,440 4 657 147
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