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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 josph12 96.79% 10,590.53pp 13,568,845,516 837 866 1,179
2 Declan 94.73% 9,160.28pp 15,074,852,616 165 703 930
3 Benpoi 99.10% 6,809.92pp 19,677,752,611 45 805 1,293
4 Cheesecake 97.43% 5,965.63pp 13,622,147,709 85 833 765
5 ChangoTheBeast 95.98% 5,910.26pp 4,669,492,321 34 576 519
6 SirDosser 99.11% 5,166.99pp 5,671,905,091 45 557 750
7 TheWizoid 95.14% 4,501.39pp 1,403,236,007 22 400 424
8 Safdafdo 39.86% 6.22pp 280,050 0 0 0
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