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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Sleepteiner 97.61% 10,806.33pp 299,933,149,951 85,851 810 2,919
2 [ Senji ] 98.81% 10,633.50pp 56,912,290,841 59 861 1,159
3 gasanww 99.55% 10,364.40pp 142,193,611,875 3,000 5,758 1,072
4 Chiochip 97.63% 6,444.88pp 38,500,281,933 8,177 10,092 4,616
5 Serizawa Haruki 99.99% 5,438.89pp 29,309,205,084 12,031 1,925 707
6 Evgas 100.00% 4,880.38pp 29,815,608,118 20,310 10 0
7 Alduric 99.12% 4,586.15pp 99,607,925,167 34,418 1,743 509
8 Banekan 98.62% 4,369.06pp 73,193,397,345 6,382 18,696 7,217
9 Vernien 100.00% 3,334.82pp 20,403,958,897 13,487 3 1
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