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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#9) LostCool 97.64% 22,847.00pp 3,720,106,709 4 3,562 122
2 (#18) Neokje 97.26% 21,379.60pp 652,511,944 0 464 176
3 (#26) aitor98 97.03% 20,697.20pp 1,789,809,880 2 1,873 82
4 (#40) SillyFangirl 97.02% 19,975.80pp 3,166,593,981 2 3,057 156
5 (#50) Epi75 96.94% 19,407.50pp 2,455,309,421 0 2,275 172
6 (#55) Tyronix 96.09% 19,278.70pp 3,504,803,782 1 3,088 620
7 (#176) Akayro 95.60% 15,972.90pp 1,905,316,161 3 1,783 260
8 (#1,313) Xyphoes 95.40% 11,426.80pp 1,010,689,997 0 562 522
9 (#5,184) syaron105 96.68% 8,644.39pp 178,940,450 1 132 59
10 (#7,436) Blerargh 97.55% 7,864.88pp 605,814,588 0 543 86
11 (#13,088) Groex 95.87% 6,522.05pp 1,278,646,453 0 1,147 281
12 (#16,589) Ttobas 96.49% 5,956.52pp 701,601,534 0 664 49
13 (#19,559) Bunnrei 96.56% 5,572.16pp 657,375,056 0 544 167
14 (#28,658) SrChispa 97.02% 4,735.75pp 271,259,207 0 237 56
15 (#29,911) Genjuro 97.02% 4,648.72pp 1,424,542,237 0 1,273 312
16 (#29,951) YesMyDarknesss 97.34% 4,646.00pp 265,592,029 0 199 66
17 (#31,107) AutoLs 97.60% 4,563.98pp 1,286,791,304 0 1,230 131
18 (#35,776) Netamaru 96.83% 4,277.90pp 152,706,724 1 124 36
19 (#41,702) MrNobady 96.81% 3,960.50pp 567,839,432 0 377 236
20 (#56,993) _aphantasia 95.28% 3,297.88pp 274,885,004 0 108 172
21 (#57,473) badeu 95.21% 3,279.60pp 337,757,324 0 204 129
22 (#63,997) Bubbleman 95.43% 3,053.17pp 289,213,503 1 132 132
23 (#66,436) mrekk 95.10% 2,973.84pp 84,392,319 0 40 37
24 (#68,781) 9MlCE 95.11% 2,897.85pp 226,447,723 0 119 114
25 (#89,372) Abyssal 94.48% 2,351.39pp 249,570,530 0 103 163
26 (#99,876) -Kaguya 96.36% 2,125.27pp 49,193,586 0 46 9
27 (#105,745) Intercambing 96.68% 2,019.89pp 150,258,534 1 87 56
28 (#127,374) Lynerrr 94.16% 1,688.18pp 99,375,091 3 72 30
29 (#133,716) Camme79 95.42% 1,605.66pp 81,829,474 0 58 25
30 (#180,118) Andros 94.74% 1,124.66pp 80,535,587 0 45 36
31 (#217,083) -Story- 89.90% 853.93pp 38,728,515 0 10 17
32 (#242,512) gal1 96.60% 708.30pp 89,324,423 6 67 21
33 (#366,600) Golden 90.94% 246.33pp 18,673,943 0 11 3
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