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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#68) frukoyurdakul 99.25% 16,815.60pp 2,237,790,250 86 457 527
2 (#71) Golden 96.50% 16,740.60pp 2,916,208,947 305 2,208 467
3 (#81) Lynerrr 96.18% 16,501.90pp 2,379,815,315 66 827 847
4 (#185) Blerargh 99.22% 14,774.10pp 2,192,055,245 48 685 521
5 (#235) Genjuro 99.06% 14,183.10pp 13,482,764,321 1,330 4,301 5,666
6 (#4,194) badeu 96.90% 5,825.82pp 313,341,297 16 155 245
7 (#4,779) _aphantasia 98.72% 5,412.19pp 293,567,494 3 143 313
8 (#6,039) SillyFangirl 96.64% 4,718.50pp 215,687,134 1 15 252
9 (#6,791) Groex 98.57% 4,388.23pp 213,805,028 5 115 221
10 (#8,684) -Kaguya 99.11% 3,708.83pp 143,519,562 10 110 158
11 (#9,027) Epi75 98.05% 3,593.27pp 73,067,406 0 14 131
12 (#10,403) Jafett 98.13% 3,222.67pp 335,919,090 15 590 285
13 (#11,948) -Story- 97.92% 2,883.33pp 145,035,923 7 218 127
14 (#15,462) Bubbleman 98.11% 2,288.10pp 62,643,932 3 20 107
15 (#18,115) gal1 96.79% 1,953.78pp 55,930,154 4 62 110
16 (#18,152) YesMyDarknesss 95.90% 1,949.87pp 35,728,586 0 8 57
17 (#42,645) mrekk 88.61% 721.20pp 3,850,259 1 8 7
18 (#54,983) NyanPotato 84.39% 485.99pp 4,092,595 0 3 4
19 (#57,328) Andros 87.70% 451.89pp 3,673,157 0 2 7
20 (#89,103) IMMORTXLZ 72.41% 427.06pp 6,050,160 3 6 4
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