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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1) mrekk 97.95% 30,447.50pp 112,346,015,722 64 1,526 2,020
2 (#2) 9MlCE 97.93% 26,497.40pp 51,830,170,591 40 946 2,065
3 (#7) NyanPotato 95.42% 22,368.20pp 16,230,737,931 16 431 1,018
4 (#23) yamss 97.69% 20,576.40pp 38,576,299,772 32 672 1,943
5 (#28) WhiteCat 98.63% 20,308.10pp 36,189,496,614 71 629 1,166
6 (#40) suurii 97.45% 19,674.10pp 14,977,636,585 85 851 1,526
7 (#59) Intercambing 98.72% 18,642.40pp 88,631,256,974 205 2,468 2,273
8 (#71) -PloX 97.48% 18,385.60pp 72,823,033,849 371 1,358 3,177
9 (#74) [MG]Arnold24x24 98.85% 18,321.40pp 81,004,761,693 862 2,368 1,483
10 (#79) Andros 98.05% 18,208.90pp 58,685,746,081 41 887 1,352
11 (#86) FGSky 96.12% 17,942.40pp 24,397,002,561 52 690 1,321
12 (#146) dench 98.04% 16,906.40pp 52,550,868,454 37 794 1,623
13 (#171) Bubbleman 99.02% 16,544.80pp 126,071,847,703 182 1,632 3,305
14 (#173) Abyssal 99.09% 16,516.90pp 63,718,677,093 62 906 2,174
15 (#181) badeu 97.50% 16,414.50pp 87,745,260,435 304 2,244 2,120
16 (#215) SrChispa 97.83% 16,061.80pp 56,269,252,027 147 1,917 1,394
17 (#297) azr8 99.19% 15,462.90pp 28,940,150,758 39 654 2,087
18 (#302) Aseridan 97.59% 15,422.40pp 16,886,481,060 45 604 1,527
19 (#382) Skill 99.37% 14,867.00pp 102,657,278,825 735 2,976 2,043
20 (#388) MrNobady 99.25% 14,830.50pp 78,755,208,446 80 1,302 1,536
21 (#1,651) Mattay 96.95% 12,049.20pp 27,645,698,173 78 856 1,727
22 (#1,831) KarliXon 99.09% 11,830.80pp 49,290,732,889 92 887 6,202
23 (#11,358) SillyFangirl 98.31% 8,543.72pp 22,966,318,098 38 809 1,243
24 (#12,559) _aphantasia 95.51% 8,373.79pp 3,419,583,838 77 391 614
25 (#24,327) Camme79 98.57% 7,211.64pp 8,292,972,482 15 289 931
26 (#27,986) Ttobas 99.13% 6,974.80pp 4,755,620,503 70 306 558
27 (#30,933) Genjuro 99.18% 6,803.19pp 40,328,821,093 236 1,359 3,171
28 (#35,012) Mrbinking 98.88% 6,586.95pp 6,251,353,200 3 293 107
29 (#44,138) YesMyDarknesss 98.89% 6,187.28pp 10,961,966,069 10 304 914
30 (#47,892) Groex 99.21% 6,048.08pp 12,293,140,537 139 1,029 1,025
31 (#64,905) Blerargh 98.88% 5,511.88pp 2,485,998,650 23 174 442
32 (#69,587) Epi75 99.03% 5,395.45pp 7,255,763,927 31 368 1,420
33 (#99,977) LostCool 98.19% 4,755.17pp 11,099,071,972 209 971 1,086
34 (#101,969) -Kaguya 98.21% 4,716.86pp 1,117,285,448 7 58 216
35 (#111,749) gal1 98.44% 4,545.11pp 5,482,566,723 21 260 669
36 (#118,094) Roidofanboy 97.71% 4,441.19pp 2,163,874,879 4 178 203
37 (#205,637) Lynerrr 97.25% 3,373.12pp 1,300,182,761 24 120 206
38 (#208,923) Bunnrei 98.63% 3,342.62pp 791,429,330 19 72 165
39 (#249,446) Gersonfull 97.46% 3,006.88pp 1,737,619,608 225 367 540
40 (#306,355) Xyphoes 95.52% 2,630.35pp 2,587,954,596 15 168 620
41 (#333,421) AutoLs 97.25% 2,476.73pp 2,070,684,795 0 146 286
42 (#454,540) Golden 96.18% 1,920.41pp 233,074,241 30 97 70
43 (#676,973) Akayro 90.15% 1,234.55pp 164,262,413 10 30 84
44 (#811,119) daxeroz 95.02% 945.93pp 315,870,981 11 64 92
45 (#457,795) IMMORTXLZ 96.04% 570.97pp 123,179,531 57 65 19
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