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#1 total pp from each country idk

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Motion 97.76% 55,503.74pp 162,426,516,345 1,656 5,054 1,303
2 Crystal 97.65% 42,358.58pp 277,578,368,589 3,594 11,632 3,334
3 BossPlays 98.28% 39,799.95pp 53,735,991,576 196 4,027 2,847
4 -DEVN 96.32% 38,040.09pp 32,040,904,330 12 1,030 2,629
5 Captain 98.14% 37,598.76pp 146,564,220,433 1,615 4,901 2,177
6 Groex 97.63% 36,105.16pp 156,793,979,155 2,061 4,317 1,641
7 Unlucky_w 98.19% 34,538.46pp 108,013,663,247 4,888 6,761 994
8 Coreanmaluco 97.73% 34,053.56pp 170,805,282,165 1,602 7,992 4,275
9 ZYuan 97.40% 33,771.11pp 16,200,753,899 168 4,186 1,380
10 Umbre 97.50% 33,499.17pp 106,014,610,032 501 3,960 4,122
11 Dream Fire 97.75% 33,414.26pp 15,283,108,644 101 1,762 1,383
12 _aphantasia 96.89% 32,733.66pp 13,979,490,781 174 1,107 1,339
13 Hana Yukiko 96.25% 32,021.68pp 28,979,356,402 213 1,967 1,644
14 Shakti 97.39% 31,991.90pp 23,777,972,252 173 2,630 1,822
15 Chatie 97.88% 31,830.17pp 90,613,814,279 2,683 5,143 3,150
16 Daletto 97.73% 31,058.67pp 120,961,939,253 2,326 3,915 1,008
17 Applequestria 97.28% 30,910.44pp 52,287,933,035 4,105 6,339 4,816
18 Aryssiel 97.34% 30,857.02pp 97,230,691,002 2,387 4,102 1,394
19 Nelly 98.10% 30,515.21pp 199,197,786,144 6,190 5,231 1,247
20 Camme79 97.33% 30,205.30pp 66,735,510,700 471 2,025 1,189
21 Bunnrei 97.91% 30,011.28pp 81,453,848,372 873 2,331 455
22 TaikoWorldCup 97.35% 29,432.53pp 19,332,452,339 74 4,206 5,702
23 9MlCE 96.52% 29,395.25pp 52,056,618,314 40 1,065 2,179
24 Snowwind 98.10% 28,269.40pp 62,920,420,254 2,203 5,050 970
25 WaShoy 97.87% 27,866.68pp 194,694,525,944 1,077 10,209 9,802
26 Netamaru 98.38% 27,290.70pp 70,521,148,857 489 1,531 116
27 Dawt 98.01% 27,290.50pp 8,429,177,508 112 1,889 195
28 Genjuro 98.07% 25,635.01pp 55,236,127,651 1,566 6,933 9,150
29 Astrea 97.73% 25,115.91pp 47,196,157,481 381 2,774 1,364
30 Maffe 96.89% 24,436.30pp 34,450,291,479 102 2,244 2,314
31 lepinja77 97.62% 24,347.07pp 183,710,582,128 3,185 9,814 5,474
32 awdse22 97.57% 23,993.91pp 5,453,798,540 94 2,778 2,082
33 Rebo 97.31% 23,968.04pp 88,501,563,300 188 2,308 3,366
34 gal1 97.68% 23,811.69pp 68,138,521,660 670 2,168 956
35 Ash Ketchum 96.29% 23,558.28pp 48,960,796,534 360 1,798 620
36 L e n 97.90% 22,799.19pp 24,968,138,074 212 1,015 1,416
37 Makou 98.39% 22,770.07pp 61,215,681,192 1,295 6,154 4,033
38 JDS20 96.96% 21,793.74pp 19,571,617,618 54 2,957 2,551
39 Rashod 97.47% 21,336.44pp 61,233,861,731 153 4,561 3,610
40 SrChispa 97.10% 21,059.57pp 56,571,367,893 149 2,161 1,466
41 [ Zhiend ] 99.49% 20,712.47pp 64,953,538,632 401 2,661 2,033
42 Undead 97.54% 20,656.69pp 12,545,301,266 270 2,708 2,017
43 EnigmaIsBoss 98.36% 19,742.38pp 14,688,907,362 49 786 1,875
44 Sparxe 97.63% 19,492.07pp 4,622,798,351 70 2,894 701
45 Korglif 98.32% 18,834.05pp 40,390,304,287 560 2,309 260
46 XEPCOH 98.84% 18,764.51pp 27,979,587,729 147 3,188 3,318
47 Xytox 98.05% 18,438.50pp 71,936,375,342 374 3,623 2,123
48 Gersonfull 98.68% 18,110.58pp 81,880,289,722 3,920 4,833 882
49 FGSky 96.12% 17,942.40pp 24,397,002,561 52 690 1,321
50 sno 97.62% 17,145.31pp 23,379,511,556 68 980 2,875
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