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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#61) Motion 96.92% 18,893.30pp 565,672,824 0 539 70
2 (#190) ZYuan 96.24% 15,836.50pp 2,766,127,312 12 2,729 129
3 (#340) Maffe 95.55% 14,428.00pp 1,299,096,442 0 1,060 383
4 (#465) JDS20 95.35% 13,626.30pp 2,482,762,690 0 2,270 448
5 (#539) Snowwind 96.64% 13,266.70pp 1,773,373,118 21 1,724 73
6 (#560) Dawt 96.17% 13,179.90pp 1,633,018,084 5 1,591 126
7 (#994) Applequestria 96.00% 12,062.10pp 4,289,750,462 6 4,306 189
8 (#1,072) jDoce12 96.77% 11,877.60pp 2,158,072,139 0 1,965 277
9 (#1,162) BossPlays 97.94% 11,688.20pp 2,614,014,220 27 2,238 208
10 (#1,674) Rodrig0v 96.35% 10,918.30pp 2,107,014,219 1 2,012 226
11 (#2,120) Shakti 96.28% 10,456.80pp 1,250,592,754 0 1,159 191
12 (#2,202) Dream Fire 96.64% 10,387.70pp 1,023,855,643 1 861 252
13 (#3,239) -DEVN 95.46% 9,629.49pp 748,620,598 0 461 400
14 (#3,596) Xytox 97.65% 9,423.59pp 923,315,381 0 898 103
15 (#3,730) awdse22 96.11% 9,342.51pp 2,380,500,096 0 2,214 321
16 (#4,049) Umbre 95.93% 9,162.80pp 1,947,450,614 0 1,400 541
17 (#7,173) MrGoose 96.76% 7,938.88pp 1,048,648,045 0 915 265
18 (#7,255) Undead 96.69% 7,920.00pp 1,509,369,063 2 1,242 395
19 (#10,517) Unlucky_w 96.94% 7,080.94pp 3,347,712,812 0 3,400 98
20 (#10,984) Rashod 96.44% 6,967.28pp 3,035,043,472 11 2,702 536
21 (#12,706) Sparxe 96.19% 6,594.27pp 1,556,277,396 0 1,449 238
22 (#13,076) Groex 95.87% 6,522.05pp 1,278,646,453 0 1,147 281
23 (#15,274) Coreanmaluco 96.38% 6,140.84pp 610,564,449 0 514 169
24 (#16,459) roxanne 96.30% 5,972.90pp 478,768,258 0 393 131
25 (#17,451) TaikoWorldCup 96.26% 5,828.35pp 1,637,485,665 0 1,071 785
26 (#17,475) Crystal 96.19% 5,824.82pp 1,484,984,871 8 1,465 142
27 (#17,694) WaShoy 96.54% 5,795.92pp 3,134,234,657 0 2,920 455
28 (#19,541) Bunnrei 96.56% 5,572.16pp 657,375,056 0 544 167
29 (#20,055) Captain 96.72% 5,515.41pp 807,691,968 0 692 231
30 (#21,691) Hana Yukiko 94.88% 5,346.58pp 850,046,784 0 623 216
31 (#28,658) SrChispa 97.02% 4,735.75pp 271,259,207 0 237 56
32 (#28,955) Rebo 95.88% 4,715.41pp 506,160,843 0 266 284
33 (#29,885) Genjuro 97.02% 4,648.72pp 1,424,542,237 0 1,273 312
34 (#35,744) Netamaru 96.83% 4,277.90pp 152,706,724 0 125 36
35 (#36,275) Nelly 96.93% 4,247.40pp 782,968,453 0 770 92
36 (#37,152) Korglif 96.81% 4,199.15pp 815,257,971 0 689 186
37 (#37,720) Aryssiel 95.82% 4,169.23pp 407,394,957 0 264 179
38 (#37,773) L e n 96.47% 4,167.68pp 320,042,642 0 179 84
39 (#38,811) MarGenDo 94.75% 4,110.64pp 946,665,907 0 323 703
40 (#38,898) Daletto 95.78% 4,105.48pp 586,540,988 0 498 150
41 (#48,432) Chatie 96.19% 3,643.35pp 729,501,818 0 594 192
42 (#56,937) _aphantasia 95.28% 3,297.88pp 274,885,004 0 108 172
43 (#59,069) lepinja77 96.49% 3,217.32pp 677,515,479 0 427 278
44 (#67,179) Astrea 96.19% 2,949.23pp 374,211,562 0 301 90
45 (#68,781) 9MlCE 95.11% 2,897.85pp 226,447,723 0 119 114
46 (#103,849) Makou 97.83% 2,051.93pp 1,579,963,905 3 1,433 519
47 (#133,563) Camme79 95.42% 1,605.66pp 81,829,474 0 58 25
48 (#173,836) Ash Ketchum 94.01% 1,180.17pp 174,407,089 0 72 91
49 (#242,200) gal1 96.60% 708.30pp 89,324,423 0 73 21
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