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#1 total pp from each country idk

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2) Motion 99.94% 26,069.40pp 150,917,768,833 1,598 3,741 244
2 (#9) Netamaru 99.93% 23,012.80pp 70,368,442,133 489 1,406 80
3 (#19) Camme79 99.93% 21,388.00pp 58,360,708,744 456 1,678 233
4 (#22) Bunnrei 99.89% 21,096.50pp 80,005,043,986 854 1,715 123
5 (#23) Aryssiel 99.86% 20,889.40pp 90,860,587,527 2,348 3,391 521
6 (#36) Ash Ketchum 99.76% 19,412.50pp 48,699,974,788 356 1,653 393
7 (#38) Groex 99.90% 19,146.80pp 143,008,387,137 1,917 2,026 114
8 (#67) Nelly 99.93% 18,017.30pp 186,621,152,614 6,085 3,123 114
9 (#68) Unlucky_w 99.90% 17,990.00pp 94,276,279,197 4,616 2,107 122
10 (#112) gal1 99.91% 16,604.50pp 62,510,700,360 645 1,773 156
11 (#117) Crystal 99.93% 16,412.00pp 81,640,468,397 2,463 2,965 14
12 (#137) Daletto 99.92% 16,065.10pp 95,392,801,296 1,806 1,603 26
13 (#143) Chatie 99.92% 15,851.90pp 69,840,872,696 2,543 2,715 204
14 (#151) Hana Yukiko 99.86% 15,711.90pp 25,416,831,815 177 972 249
15 (#154) _aphantasia 99.91% 15,649.80pp 9,992,054,104 94 465 240
16 (#175) Gersonfull 99.91% 15,103.70pp 80,142,670,114 3,695 4,466 342
17 (#182) Snowwind 99.56% 15,002.70pp 61,147,047,136 2,182 3,326 897
18 (#199) Korglif 99.82% 14,634.90pp 39,575,046,316 560 1,620 74
19 (#224) Dawt 99.86% 14,110.60pp 6,796,159,424 107 298 69
20 (#228) -Ken 99.86% 14,066.10pp 94,892,556,657 2,464 4,030 298
21 (#289) [ Zhiend ] 99.79% 13,122.70pp 43,893,461,328 215 1,783 367
22 (#375) Astrea 99.71% 12,096.60pp 29,111,488,752 280 1,366 155
23 (#400) Captain 99.97% 11,795.00pp 78,961,130,278 1,022 2,072 87
24 (#933) Dianthus 99.60% 8,306.75pp 16,012,223,636 367 711 72
25 (#1,184) L e n 99.57% 7,392.51pp 2,985,593,099 21 217 84
26 (#1,214) WaShoy 99.80% 7,276.67pp 29,959,789,902 497 2,270 354
27 (#1,343) Coreanmaluco 99.67% 6,888.44pp 4,226,824,009 125 497 125
28 (#1,389) Shakti 99.29% 6,752.87pp 8,778,855,227 110 610 90
29 (#1,477) Dream Fire 99.71% 6,510.21pp 1,533,716,385 42 240 79
30 (#1,910) lepinja77 99.43% 5,535.81pp 2,480,589,224 64 403 147
31 (#2,150) TaikoWorldCup 99.13% 5,064.93pp 4,857,489,258 20 674 229
32 (#2,862) Makou 99.21% 4,141.95pp 28,266,912,880 1,050 1,890 227
33 (#3,221) Umbre 99.19% 3,786.14pp 3,606,793,609 81 579 158
34 (#3,835) ZYuan 98.87% 3,352.08pp 2,557,756,579 42 369 137
35 (#6,726) Undead 98.91% 2,201.06pp 1,174,280,440 31 357 184
36 (#6,737) BossPlays 98.95% 2,198.75pp 345,464,274 9 85 89
37 (#7,160) Applequestria 98.74% 2,100.02pp 1,443,676,114 731 128 280
38 (#18,054) Rebo 98.85% 839.90pp 176,573,962 6 52 42
39 (#85,324) SrChispa 96.52% 262.02pp 30,856,659 2 7 16
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