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#1 total pp from each country idk

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#195) awdse22 99.04% 14,651.40pp 3,073,298,444 94 564 1,761
2 (#204) TaikoWorldCup 97.84% 14,519.40pp 7,125,148,850 3 2,101 3,606
3 (#235) Genjuro 99.06% 14,183.10pp 13,482,764,321 1,330 4,301 5,667
4 (#379) Sparxe 99.08% 12,897.80pp 3,066,520,955 70 1,445 463
5 (#434) BossPlays 97.74% 12,621.90pp 1,074,724,351 16 451 312
6 (#509) EnigmaIsBoss 98.65% 12,231.80pp 2,053,539,455 17 415 749
7 (#549) XEPCOH 98.74% 12,036.20pp 5,427,928,060 26 1,547 2,422
8 (#622) Captain 98.67% 11,725.20pp 2,221,860,323 7 535 759
9 (#899) -DEVN 96.80% 10,773.30pp 712,981,707 1 64 328
10 (#940) Makou 98.17% 10,662.60pp 3,063,508,782 13 1,233 1,388
11 (#1,417) ZYuan 97.82% 9,358.60pp 1,058,481,726 40 391 513
12 (#2,110) sno 96.89% 8,019.67pp 1,003,742,088 5 193 642
13 (#2,645) Shakti 96.97% 7,254.34pp 498,530,284 1 209 364
14 (#2,824) WaShoy 98.45% 7,046.73pp 1,820,909,267 64 859 1,256
15 (#2,989) Hana Yukiko 98.25% 6,869.88pp 691,759,871 24 238 741
16 (#3,063) Crystal 98.42% 6,801.76pp 574,040,046 90 581 292
17 (#3,558) Applequestria 98.35% 6,313.62pp 1,048,330,008 26 247 1,541
18 (#4,335) Chatie 99.16% 5,711.01pp 971,166,982 61 783 758
19 (#4,770) _aphantasia 98.72% 5,412.19pp 293,486,414 3 143 313
20 (#4,976) lepinja77 97.37% 5,280.94pp 943,896,742 6 123 1,226
21 (#5,138) Rashod 98.52% 5,181.44pp 503,687,569 23 230 583
22 (#5,227) Coreanmaluco 98.37% 5,134.78pp 290,160,129 23 327 213
23 (#6,785) Groex 98.57% 4,388.23pp 213,805,028 5 115 221
24 (#7,342) Unlucky_w 98.96% 4,158.54pp 263,973,832 26 302 138
25 (#8,111) Undead 97.59% 3,884.75pp 260,559,422 34 316 228
26 (#8,149) Daletto 99.52% 3,873.96pp 325,160,694 122 541 29
27 (#8,783) Nelly 98.19% 3,671.62pp 77,868,375 9 127 57
28 (#8,902) Motion 98.29% 3,628.78pp 109,883,948 5 101 111
29 (#9,049) Dream Fire 98.61% 3,584.25pp 137,394,082 4 93 141
30 (#11,547) Ash Ketchum 97.36% 2,965.61pp 86,414,657 4 73 136
31 (#11,950) Umbre 98.26% 2,883.03pp 83,741,146 11 92 166
32 (#12,246) Rebo 98.17% 2,822.83pp 63,082,922 4 44 115
33 (#12,470) Astrea 98.41% 2,778.31pp 77,860,108 0 91 71
34 (#18,095) gal1 96.79% 1,953.78pp 55,930,154 4 62 110
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