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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#10,797) Blight-kun 96.12% 7,009.41pp 1,552,392,506 4 1,381 264
2 (#12,024) DarrenOsu 96.39% 6,739.54pp 1,412,273,558 0 1,271 246
3 (#16,419) DesKurisu 96.21% 5,980.32pp 1,077,824,772 0 720 393
4 (#20,416) Ero_ZeeK 96.06% 5,476.86pp 813,571,457 0 595 235
5 (#25,582) Albs 96.67% 4,984.74pp 938,434,915 0 768 275
6 (#26,056) eggy 95.69% 4,946.42pp 710,826,644 0 478 325
7 (#26,285) sidew 96.44% 4,926.69pp 1,757,163,905 0 1,487 466
8 (#37,347) glitchtrrp 97.12% 4,189.01pp 409,410,933 1 374 59
9 (#51,354) Xen Ace 94.54% 3,517.06pp 1,425,126,196 0 762 655
10 (#52,709) Rayquaza144 97.49% 3,461.15pp 511,013,028 0 476 68
11 (#53,814) LiangxD 94.68% 3,416.90pp 1,470,844,470 0 1,027 562
12 (#55,195) Ui S 95.86% 3,363.61pp 131,804,826 0 102 44
13 (#65,203) mochi on osu 95.45% 3,013.71pp 1,212,529,253 10 1,081 195
14 (#101,462) Saikie 95.89% 2,095.68pp 248,239,122 0 182 95
15 (#117,528) hidayatmsr 94.24% 1,825.20pp 233,594,843 0 127 100
16 (#125,712) Epixia 95.42% 1,708.69pp 278,399,152 0 210 91
17 (#131,928) e m a n 94.14% 1,626.08pp 135,088,641 0 49 65
18 (#146,603) Fused1376 94.80% 1,453.13pp 305,226,627 0 105 123
19 (#152,034) hanasato 94.65% 1,394.34pp 56,580,041 0 31 27
20 (#247,003) Keiosu 94.44% 682.77pp 90,992,268 0 33 56
21 (#315,227) tzuchi 94.14% 394.94pp 25,861,240 0 15 11
22 (#355,646) HoximachiSuisei 86.63% 273.55pp 28,221,877 0 6 10
23 (#490,837) Saji123 74.02% 66.70pp 12,567,587 0 0 0
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