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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,187) Ero_ZeeK 98.78% 6,669.59pp 824,784,317 51 618 511
2 (#10,222) HoximachiSuisei 97.79% 3,265.06pp 121,969,702 0 33 205
3 (#12,372) Blight-kun 96.31% 2,796.44pp 34,154,081 15 58 45
4 (#9,592) DesKurisu 96.59% 2,434.25pp 76,558,954 0 53 44
5 (#15,049) erutobi 93.14% 2,345.43pp 30,905,208 0 6 31
6 (#18,854) eggy 96.11% 1,870.61pp 55,035,634 1 34 97
7 (#25,222) hanasato 92.90% 1,379.34pp 19,161,817 1 7 26
8 (#26,630) Saikie 96.94% 1,300.25pp 15,739,217 0 25 31
9 (#28,433) glitchtrrp 97.47% 1,208.24pp 9,970,208 3 27 27
10 (#35,819) Ui S 94.08% 914.22pp 4,853,079 1 8 6
11 (#37,018) Saji123 94.99% 876.86pp 11,104,897 2 22 18
12 (#38,797) DarrenOsu 93.70% 823.10pp 12,459,221 2 8 26
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