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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Bronzecrank 97.46% 18,927.12pp 20,336,837,830 133 3,386 3,895
2 vekt0r 97.25% 18,642.39pp 32,126,990,384 65 924 3,149
3 Twiggles 90.37% 17,929.46pp 13,304,104,840 16 523 1,605
4 Cytusine 97.50% 17,418.01pp 51,006,383,775 125 2,286 2,091
5 Cychloryn 99.17% 16,656.57pp 11,838,742,743 141 1,156 1,866
6 sampai_ 96.14% 13,944.17pp 14,941,561,532 14 547 1,779
7 My Wife Left 98.82% 9,270.66pp 30,100,784,073 40 861 1,656
8 l0rd_h3l1x 99.26% 8,267.77pp 87,641,552,972 233 2,233 9,293
9 Sctoor 98.72% 7,549.37pp 28,874,838,929 8 584 1,762
10 Jon 98.70% 6,941.50pp 14,336,341,233 44 474 1,101
11 Setizia 98.68% 6,054.45pp 28,444,003,030 5 599 2,546
12 Dakishimeru 99.59% 4,632.27pp 123,778,013,360 14,778 9,034 23,508
13 mariok2rt 96.71% 4,594.01pp 528,176,731 0 446 109
14 jovilly 95.21% 2,821.10pp 1,091,072,367 6 95 160
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