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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#30,659) mariok2rt 96.71% 4,594.01pp 528,176,731 0 446 109
2 (#39,152) Bronzecrank 96.29% 4,092.61pp 1,456,712,833 0 1,110 405
3 (#88,729) Cytusine 95.76% 2,363.72pp 457,469,347 0 303 193
4 (#134,078) vekt0r 96.39% 1,599.41pp 160,680,771 0 88 64
5 (#276,164) sampai_ 94.03% 546.33pp 36,398,844 0 17 17
6 (#359,636) Twiggles 82.62% 264.89pp 11,925,163 0 1 5
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