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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,073) Cychloryn 99.10% 10,331.90pp 1,760,234,667 57 695 562
2 (#1,776) Bronzecrank 96.93% 8,617.13pp 3,025,254,903 15 1,011 1,631
3 (#2,392) vekt0r 97.80% 7,581.98pp 956,653,204 4 111 796
4 (#3,047) Twiggles 98.03% 6,812.77pp 710,215,750 2 61 668
5 (#4,241) sampai_ 97.92% 5,787.82pp 539,754,322 1 86 470
6 (#6,118) Cytusine 99.00% 4,677.72pp 223,253,197 9 179 146
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