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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#17,494) AR9 96.08% 5,843.95pp 501,349,563 6 282 252
2 (#19,115) Skull Kid 97.04% 5,641.09pp 585,938,388 5 455 181
3 (#21,388) Ikkun 95.13% 5,395.41pp 1,082,095,289 68 879 214
4 (#37,487) A-40 94.49% 4,198.83pp 318,138,952 3 151 188
5 (#45,116) Friedchicken 96.59% 3,809.63pp 626,644,234 44 572 54
6 (#45,838) Minion24 95.16% 3,774.05pp 312,162,085 2 99 185
7 (#63,125) Arach 94.33% 3,097.92pp 682,222,910 30 356 297
8 (#148,497) Kyoumo 95.16% 1,447.40pp 109,569,676 0 79 36
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