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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#68) A-40 99.02% 16,828.60pp 1,738,560,015 183 848 750
2 (#82) ndrrr 99.40% 16,505.60pp 4,309,482,879 1,221 2,672 1,119
3 (#90) Skull Kid 98.62% 16,340.40pp 2,309,102,065 74 979 448
4 (#183) Kyoumo 98.43% 14,804.70pp 2,167,162,772 35 766 1,024
5 (#259) Ikkun 98.68% 13,976.10pp 5,952,231,602 1,408 3,608 1,470
6 (#761) AR9 96.69% 11,234.50pp 1,264,905,031 3 246 560
7 (#844) eww 98.28% 10,976.40pp 5,181,031,650 19 209 985
8 (#1,138) Arach 97.82% 10,180.00pp 1,487,349,732 50 524 888
9 (#1,776) Quorum 97.45% 8,628.60pp 3,477,417,560 13 793 2,272
10 (#2,807) Minion24 98.39% 7,074.93pp 748,034,134 15 157 779
11 (#2,931) Kozzo 97.87% 6,945.14pp 1,997,689,454 4 582 1,611
12 (#3,003) Friedchicken 98.59% 6,876.79pp 1,543,057,617 56 1,076 670
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