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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
501 Orenburg 93.57% 13,525.81pp 110,085,154,528 26 1,035 2,545
502 stacker 98.17% 13,759.48pp 109,827,182,938 3,548 4,202 1,534
503 BoT-Shirt 99.11% 9,709.00pp 109,614,171,278 300 4,536 6,125
504 McK 97.46% 9,153.43pp 109,527,928,602 114 2,584 4,682
505 sinn 99.13% 7,778.62pp 109,506,518,988 2,616 7,473 3,353
506 Levesile 95.76% 13,747.88pp 109,413,480,695 600 5,147 494
507 Accel 94.27% 10,613.81pp 108,867,867,155 5,104 1,423 28
508 Rayzent 97.98% 9,418.34pp 108,834,873,252 213 2,557 2,786
509 rikka 97.11% 14,610.17pp 108,677,598,582 14,294 3,273 2,661
510 Topoi 99.01% 16,038.80pp 108,644,870,348 169 2,395 2,356
511 Furudo Erika 95.16% 14,481.56pp 108,559,258,037 7,552 3,470 3,635
512 barryp 98.76% 8,724.56pp 108,426,525,798 70 2,452 4,283
513 Zenoha 99.14% 9,074.57pp 108,274,717,671 362 2,723 1,080
514 _Hikaru_ 97.44% 13,517.78pp 108,053,496,244 415 4,568 3,797
515 challenger1126 99.79% 2,680.70pp 108,013,999,435 17,454 11,535 500
516 Bubbleman 97.20% 23,156.04pp 108,000,908,052 426 1,780 2,931
517 -Yui 99.24% 17,892.37pp 107,971,050,560 141 4,867 2,782
518 skrimore 98.48% 6,300.81pp 107,893,889,186 1,298 9,582 7,648
519 Daletto 97.70% 29,609.59pp 107,803,319,792 2,117 3,841 762
520 Canis Minoris 98.10% 8,395.00pp 107,729,271,452 7,253 4,904 439
521 PaintedKoala 98.78% 13,282.40pp 107,593,102,918 32 1,812 2,702
522 comm899 90.83% 7,338.59pp 107,535,507,834 323 4,960 4,931
523 Bazuso 96.58% 10,478.31pp 107,528,361,504 167 3,166 5,309
524 treyarch 95.01% 15,601.96pp 107,494,134,914 71 1,825 2,163
525 US_2 97.34% 6,223.76pp 107,467,226,408 7,967 13,686 2,172
526 katatakatata 99.03% 9,813.31pp 107,465,619,618 250 2,834 2,433
527 Vioxen 95.02% 15,518.85pp 107,415,062,968 4,160 3,718 114
528 SquirrelSquire 96.53% 7,872.99pp 107,157,906,869 8,059 2,467 13,034
529 [Karcher] 96.72% 26,735.11pp 107,135,512,812 243 2,297 1,692
530 Unlucky_w 98.13% 34,695.83pp 107,032,962,272 5,172 6,462 841
531 LoliVoiceASMR 96.78% 15,075.28pp 106,925,176,171 1,958 7,298 120
532 Arbusion 97.53% 23,539.38pp 106,769,622,653 807 2,540 2,924
533 Multtari 97.30% 15,290.17pp 106,642,449,689 129 4,212 3,892
534 kemdaosa 95.13% 14,781.36pp 106,600,504,516 122 2,647 4,049
535 Rekens 96.40% 18,508.18pp 106,309,942,034 376 5,026 4,615
536 EdiChii 98.79% 7,786.34pp 106,231,208,504 358 5,287 5,456
537 TallTarnation 98.01% 15,130.54pp 106,195,561,379 35,252 3,597 288
538 PaintedKoaIa 94.85% 18,560.24pp 106,183,852,903 215 2,113 2,693
539 Petit 97.99% 49,481.01pp 106,063,892,875 537 5,356 3,018
540 McNonal 98.88% 14,130.66pp 106,063,450,817 1,096 2,764 2,122
541 Kitsu in osu 96.16% 8,322.50pp 105,964,716,628 1,416 6,015 3,003
542 Chubique 96.94% 18,050.44pp 105,943,276,694 4,322 4,824 2,452
543 Sympli 96.65% 15,771.47pp 105,934,335,488 1,513 3,412 4,435
544 waywern2012 96.33% 23,155.01pp 105,926,448,922 181 2,067 4,136
545 Sil 99.42% 14,841.45pp 105,908,668,124 1,404 2,839 2,052
546 Das3m 98.77% 6,291.18pp 105,776,576,393 636 7,741 5,801
547 GrilledCheeese 97.32% 6,460.13pp 105,652,793,923 46,505 58,765 2,297
548 onetabby 97.53% 20,293.59pp 105,647,615,608 48 1,074 2,033
549 ExGon 99.77% 22,213.88pp 105,624,076,582 9,149 636 351
550 bVETY 96.26% 15,399.73pp 105,587,224,319 9,930 8,485 3,456
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