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tsuba has 11 recorded 1,000,000 on osu!daily !
Million score: 3.75

Artist Song Name Version Date Mods Star Rating Status Replay
55x55 MRAZ' (feat. Larin) A r M i N's Easy 2017-07-27 14:47:15 NCPF 0.89 Ranked play_replay
Masato Nakamura Eggman's Theme Easy 2017-07-29 06:56:33 NCPF 0.88 Ranked play_replay
yes we cant wh Easy 2016-11-14 16:12:59 NCPF 0.86 Ranked play_replay
Hatsuki Yura TRICK or TREAT Easy 2016-11-18 06:32:04 NCPF 0.86 Ranked play_replay
Hanasaka Yui (CV: M.A.O) Harumachi Clover (TV Size) Easy 2018-11-22 14:20:13 NCPF 0.84 Ranked play_replay
Hanasaka Yui(CV: M.A.O) Harumachi Clover Easy 2017-07-25 21:01:10 NCPF 0.81 Ranked play_replay
toby fox sans. Easy 2017-11-07 16:20:42 NCPF 0.80 Ranked play_replay
Krfawy Kac (TV Size) Easy 2016-11-15 10:42:50 NCPF 0.71 Ranked play_replay
Hatsuki Yura TRICK or TREAT Beginner 2016-11-18 06:26:07 NCPF 0.69 Ranked play_replay
Dendei gabe power Cheesecake's Easy 2016-11-15 11:25:40 PF 0.68 Ranked play_replay
Stefan Karl Stefansson & Mani Svavarsson We are Number One Shmik's Beginner 2017-07-10 10:40:10 NCPF 0.67 Ranked play_replay
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