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suzuyasan22 has 10 recorded 1,000,000 on osu!daily !
Million score: 5.91

Artist Song Name Version Date Mods Star Rating Status Replay
ZUN The Sealed-Away Youkai ~ Lost Place yyy's Easy 2016-05-21 16:39:02 NoMod 1.04 Ranked play_replay
Chimame-tai Poppin Jump (TV Size) Easy 2016-08-27 16:57:33 NoMod 1.03 Ranked play_replay
Silver Forest Seishoujo Sacrifice Easy 2016-05-23 07:07:42 NoMod 0.91 Ranked play_replay
Hirata Hironobu AI CATCH regenz's Easy 2016-09-10 00:42:55 NoMod 0.91 Ranked play_replay
Loos Cyo Mateyo Basic 2016-09-10 00:32:04 NoMod 0.91 Ranked play_replay
daniwellP Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! Easy 2016-04-23 17:43:33 NoMod 0.87 Ranked play_replay
Itou Kanako Dramatique? Desperate's Easy 2016-08-27 06:32:56 NoMod 0.84 Ranked play_replay
Junichi Masuda Shion Town no Thema Lumael's Easy 2016-08-27 05:42:21 NoMod 0.81 Ranked play_replay
Junichi Masuda Battle! Mew Easy 2016-04-22 05:44:25 NoMod 0.76 Ranked play_replay
Krfawy Kac (TV Size) Beginner 2016-09-09 02:40:55 NoMod 0.68 Ranked play_replay
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