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Kerobachi has 18 recorded 1,000,000 on osu!daily !
Million score: 8.42

Artist Song Name Version Date Mods Star Rating Status Replay
Hirata Hironobu AI CATCH Normal 2014-08-03 03:15:23 PF 0.98 Ranked play_replay
Baauer Harlem Shake Easy 2014-08-15 20:00:52 PF 0.93 Ranked play_replay
Selena Gomez Everything Is Not What It Seems (Season 4 Remix) Easy 2014-08-31 05:19:54 DTPF 0.93 Ranked play_replay
BIGBANG Intro (Alive) Sleeping 2014-08-15 06:02:54 PF 0.92 Ranked play_replay
Silver Forest Marisa Spark Easy 2014-07-18 05:55:40 PF 0.91 Ranked play_replay
Hirata Hironobu AI CATCH regenz's Easy 2014-08-03 03:09:54 PF 0.91 Ranked play_replay
Smiley Arounds Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Easy 2014-09-01 06:29:06 DTPF 0.90 Ranked play_replay
nain tou Ryuuko Mixer Easy 2014-08-16 04:09:49 PF 0.87 Ranked play_replay
livetune adding Yano Anna All Over Easy 2014-08-14 07:10:08 PF 0.87 Ranked play_replay
Disasterpeace Deleterious Abscondee Beginner 2014-08-05 22:54:53 PF 0.86 Ranked play_replay
Sota Fujimori Title BGM Loop Basic 2014-08-16 04:27:37 PF 0.83 Ranked play_replay
Koji Kondo Lost Woods Bakari's Easy 2014-08-14 05:30:04 PF 0.82 Ranked play_replay
Linkin Park A.06 Easy 2014-09-01 06:19:06 DTPF 0.82 Ranked play_replay
3LAU Jagger Bomb Newbie 2014-08-16 04:03:00 PF 0.77 Ranked play_replay
Igorrr Dentist Easy 2014-08-03 04:20:52 NCPF 0.74 Ranked play_replay
Hatsuki Yura Nightmare -Overture- Easy 2014-09-01 06:11:45 DTPF 0.71 Ranked play_replay
Drop Granat Easy 2014-08-16 04:43:44 PF 0.71 Ranked play_replay
Chili Tomato Angel Gakuen no Ichinichi Jekate's Easy 2014-08-16 04:23:01 NCPF 0.67 Ranked play_replay
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