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Artist Song Name Version Date Mods Star Rating Status Replay
Rita Koi no Process Easy 2014-04-22 10:02:07 PF 1.06 Ranked play_replay
Miyazaki Ui Strategy Easy 2014-04-19 10:59:52 PF 1.06 Ranked play_replay
sphere HIGH POWERED (TV Size) Easy 2014-05-01 11:04:53 PF 1.00 Ranked play_replay
Road of Major Kokoroe (TV Size) Easy 2014-04-15 09:42:57 PF 0.92 Ranked play_replay
Chata Eroiko (Short Ver.) merchat7's Easy 2014-04-15 12:10:14 PF 0.92 Ranked play_replay
Sakakibara Yui share the thoughts (OP size) Mochi's Easy 2014-04-19 10:44:13 PF 0.91 Ranked play_replay
Chata step of cloud Easy 2014-04-16 05:41:16 PF 0.89 Ranked play_replay
Bangbros Yeah Yeah Yeah! (Nightcore Mix) Easy 2014-04-15 10:44:10 NoMod 0.81 Ranked play_replay
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