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Rikuka has 10 recorded 1,000,000 on osu!daily !
Million score: 5.91

Artist Song Name Version Date Mods Star Rating Status Replay
Hatsune Miku Schrodinger's Kitten Hard 2013-05-30 08:49:43 NoMod 1.05 Ranked play_replay
Banya Beethoven Virus Easy 2013-11-25 12:27:35 SD 1.00 Ranked play_replay
Junichi Masuda Lavender Town Theme Normal 2013-11-25 11:27:06 DTPF 1.00 Ranked play_replay
supercell Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari Easy 2013-08-06 06:34:23 DTPF 0.94 Ranked play_replay
livetune feat. Hatsune Miku Tell Your World Easy 2013-11-25 11:49:53 DTSD 0.84 Ranked play_replay
Rin Kagamine & Len Kagamine Cantarella Ultra Easy SV 2013-07-22 15:49:55 NCPF 0.81 Ranked play_replay
Faylan Errand (TV Size) Easy Dan 2013-05-29 09:33:54 NoMod 0.81 Ranked play_replay
Junichi Masuda Lavender Town Theme Easy 2013-11-25 11:17:20 DTPF 0.80 Ranked play_replay
Tiesto ft. Tegan & Sara Feel It In My Bones Easy 2014-04-27 12:38:39 SD 0.74 Ranked play_replay
Omega MAX 300 Light 2013-07-26 03:40:09 PF 0.73 Ranked play_replay
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