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Allezard has 10 recorded 1,000,000 on osu!daily !
Million score: 4.85

Artist Song Name Version Date Mods Star Rating Status Replay
CommanderGwonam I.M. Crazy Nice 2015-06-03 04:50:51 NoMod 1.01 Ranked play_replay
Jeff Williams I Burn (feat. Casey Lee Williams) Normal 2015-07-24 15:16:19 NoMod 1.00 Ranked play_replay
Leonid Beckman V Lesu Rodilas Yolochka (Jazz Ver.) Normal 2015-12-06 19:50:56 NoMod 0.92 Ranked play_replay
BANG SHOOTING STAR Ouran's Easy 2015-06-28 08:36:10 NoMod 0.90 Ranked play_replay
FELT In my room Easy 2015-11-24 14:22:00 NoMod 0.83 Ranked play_replay
Griffin Lewis Princess of the Night Lanturn's Easy 2015-11-24 13:37:11 NoMod 0.80 Ranked play_replay
3LAU Jagger Bomb Newbie 2015-11-24 14:25:30 NoMod 0.77 Ranked play_replay
Jeff Williams I Burn (feat. Casey Lee Williams) Ami's Easy 2015-07-24 15:12:52 NoMod 0.72 Ranked play_replay
Hatsuki Yura Nightmare -Overture- Easy 2015-06-30 14:07:18 NoMod 0.71 Ranked play_replay
Drop Granat Easy 2015-12-08 13:58:41 NoMod 0.71 Ranked play_replay
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