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French SS Taiko club

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#328,506) Sevelik 99.28% 588.93pp 4,123,221,809 4,100 4 29
2 (#263,506) Lavanville 99.63% 827.65pp 2,683,364,056 2,689 12 0
3 (#21,225) Axiaan 98.08% 5,398.28pp 2,693,997,383 1,510 1,138 182
4 (#239,336) polemik victor 95.48% 943.55pp 524,185,797 122 278 110
5 (#71,011) NinjaCoktail 95.07% 2,964.91pp 981,342,360 30 1,005 102
6 (#459,590) Ykoris 96.74% 289.16pp 71,948,284 20 58 2
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