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French SS Taiko club

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,087) Axiaan 100.00% 4,439.79pp 204,552,337,068 48,000 0 0
2 (#3,360) Lavanville 99.95% 4,217.56pp 74,065,960,201 10,558 69 0
3 (#17,104) Sevelik 99.96% 1,543.89pp 11,396,806,595 7,738 17 2
4 (#1,284) NinjaCoktail 99.85% 7,215.82pp 27,329,494,374 3,884 280 1
5 (#11,233) Lyseria 99.93% 2,043.43pp 4,099,263,283 529 593 1
6 (#23,434) polemik victor 99.63% 1,231.69pp 1,750,027,000 322 277 64
7 (#25,033) NanaChanAkane 99.20% 1,171.93pp 578,740,136 113 257 68
8 (#89,841) Ykoris 97.80% 286.03pp 19,741,956 6 16 8
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