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French SS Taiko club

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#33,626) Sevelik 100.00% 1,334.96pp 1,019,677,624 5,720 0 0
2 (#16,581) Lavanville 99.68% 2,676.46pp 2,080,580,207 5,662 567 0
3 (#1,634) Ykoris 99.11% 9,261.61pp 5,209,241,905 4,401 1,539 1,725
4 (#3,994) polemik victor 98.64% 6,529.30pp 3,685,819,881 2,290 3,044 1,237
5 (#12,640) NinjaCoktail 99.51% 3,349.94pp 825,525,844 2,146 31 12
6 (#1,028) Nofool 99.12% 10,661.60pp 2,956,290,672 2,059 1,542 431
7 (#358) TimmyAkmed 99.16% 13,217.20pp 6,127,613,512 1,780 5,446 397
8 (#7,556) Lyseria 97.09% 4,750.23pp 1,143,497,071 1,361 1,547 253
9 (#11,577) NanaChanAkane 98.10% 3,575.00pp 1,746,745,143 1,017 3,669 571
10 (#14,499) Axiaan 98.36% 3,006.02pp 114,803,596 429 182 51
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