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French SS Taiko club

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#45,996) Sevelik 99.19% 6,011.43pp 100,623,483,687 31,973 3,973 1,712
2 (#540,959) Lavanville 99.62% 1,678.44pp 7,330,585,050 5,205 61 3
3 (#587,906) Ykoris 99.74% 1,542.75pp 11,289,064,068 5,191 348 303
4 (#100,201) Axiaan 98.93% 4,727.68pp 6,286,081,733 1,000 317 347
5 (#217,210) NinjaCoktail 98.25% 3,317.39pp 4,786,215,441 559 600 237
6 (#462,942) polemik victor 99.21% 1,947.48pp 4,790,150,921 303 1,053 612
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