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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#5,423) Eskalade 98.11% 9,885.50pp 41,215,869,001 32 919 1,325
2 (#6,210) Miunie 99.37% 9,638.16pp 36,179,613,484 240 2,082 1,700
3 (#7,049) [GS]Teo 98.02% 9,402.32pp 11,365,551,159 37 292 884
4 (#18,142) Cryolien 98.25% 7,721.08pp 16,704,695,891 36 492 512
5 (#35,922) animexamera 98.77% 6,546.79pp 18,003,888,231 85 1,127 2,092
6 (#37,138) Playboi Carti 97.81% 6,487.86pp 7,302,902,684 12 197 632
7 (#53,373) xSnaggles 98.25% 5,859.25pp 11,566,826,412 17 598 1,499
8 (#57,137) Alter- 98.49% 5,739.83pp 9,319,689,307 74 753 1,103
9 (#59,105) Honma 97.82% 5,682.03pp 4,928,168,717 24 278 612
10 (#74,370) Lelloq 97.78% 5,285.75pp 5,993,003,327 6 293 884
11 (#81,321) ElectroYan 97.91% 5,127.29pp 20,745,816,438 109 1,033 1,814
12 (#106,928) Verald 98.98% 4,634.66pp 4,588,049,107 44 276 757
13 (#142,157) cheewee10 97.31% 4,090.82pp 1,076,078,066 6 41 123
14 (#158,683) Soup 98.32% 3,875.35pp 7,853,351,996 51 491 932
15 (#164,704) CharlisMadCut 98.42% 3,805.36pp 5,320,968,343 10 292 844
16 (#63,858) Jole 98.30% 3,795.28pp 3,760,906,508 6 213 463
17 (#178,357) Vygatron 98.09% 3,650.95pp 1,950,234,254 10 182 494
18 (#319,828) paprotkaaaa 91.23% 2,558.63pp 3,683,027,215 0 4 44
19 (#341,452) SurfChu85 98.35% 2,439.94pp 965,170,521 16 121 159
20 (#391,637) Freek 95.85% 2,192.73pp 3,046,630,282 16 242 650
21 (#339,725) MapleSyrup- 93.87% 1,090.40pp 301,303,025 10 56 85
22 (#762,571) Cra Dow 96.91% 1,049.67pp 1,627,527,775 26 468 852
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