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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#19,041) teashoe 98.97% 5,630.07pp 1,490,763,742 7 1,475 3
2 (#90,245) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 94.78% 2,328.96pp 840,775,296 0 494 388
3 (#91,185) beef wellington 96.48% 2,307.41pp 542,017,212 0 395 205
4 (#104,855) Shyguy 98.20% 2,033.71pp 2,630,668,003 0 2,970 157
5 (#146,049) Toy 96.40% 1,458.86pp 476,959,071 7 333 118
6 (#148,489) xasuma 97.46% 1,432.01pp 14,183,779,725 1 14,181 387
7 (#174,585) bocchicookie 96.54% 1,174.24pp 329,570,700 0 273 73
8 (#189,407) Izzz 96.53% 1,048.92pp 454,211,889 0 395 78
9 (#204,443) Domi 94.62% 938.24pp 156,832,515 0 79 68
10 (#213,759) Sleepteiner 95.36% 875.21pp 6,709,272,478 58 6,603 52
11 (#231,388) Montyy 98.90% 768.09pp 97,200,067 0 96 2
12 (#250,510) SoundSoul 95.29% 664.94pp 80,959,681 0 46 37
13 (#311,653) greeeenpanda 97.89% 407.22pp 131,773,817 0 124 16
14 (#167,881) jehlp 93.65% 295.53pp 74,565,155 0 14 45
15 (#166,681) Willy 98.98% 286.88pp 104,566,862 12 90 9
16 (#436,754) [-Griffin-] 76.91% 120.34pp 14,366,650 0 6 4
17 (#461,210) 290ms 96.94% 12.29pp 1,746,495 1 0 1
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