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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2,985) Shyguy 99.85% 4,021.68pp 10,943,689,360 1,105 533 6
2 (#4,101) Toy 99.69% 3,191.27pp 4,882,129,235 322 597 178
3 (#5,047) teashoe 99.91% 2,723.45pp 4,212,637,928 455 246 7
4 (#6,431) xasuma 99.89% 2,295.68pp 111,519,907,614 4,255 2,859 79
5 (#6,681) bocchicookie 99.69% 2,225.50pp 1,655,875,510 518 201 41
6 (#8,085) Sleepteiner 99.95% 1,917.68pp 6,264,106,134 6,625 35 76
7 (#9,503) Lancien 99.99% 1,664.39pp 820,723,634 261 3 24
8 (#10,943) Domi 99.69% 1,479.40pp 316,903,787 69 145 59
9 (#11,038) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 99.65% 1,467.99pp 1,430,389,047 79 248 53
10 (#14,911) greeeenpanda 99.97% 1,080.19pp 866,751,719 172 16 0
11 (#17,126) [-Griffin-] 99.67% 913.55pp 269,252,667 61 101 37
12 (#23,225) jehlp 99.01% 739.28pp 165,883,166 6 69 37
13 (#32,436) AmericanPenguin 95.95% 276.29pp 26,336,881 1 5 12
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