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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#516) Shyguy 99.68% 12,205.30pp 15,872,913,327 8,943 14,685 469
2 (#4,746) xasuma 99.40% 5,426.92pp 3,183,232,961 96 2,629 1,866
3 (#9,702) Toy 98.82% 3,398.17pp 127,521,832 76 129 154
4 (#11,157) bocchicookie 99.23% 3,052.74pp 114,715,701 25 150 152
5 (#14,226) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 97.39% 2,470.51pp 144,909,662 16 239 208
6 (#18,385) Sleepteiner 99.97% 1,921.86pp 1,134,217,991 6,617 4 6
7 (#18,865) Domi 99.15% 1,869.70pp 18,129,432 14 94 12
8 (#18,947) beef wellington 96.63% 1,860.22pp 15,119,601 2 20 24
9 (#19,282) AmericanPenguin 97.80% 1,826.93pp 27,454,989 3 34 47
10 (#20,169) greeeenpanda 99.56% 1,745.48pp 22,847,459 56 76 0
11 (#45,838) [-Griffin-] 89.41% 647.99pp 2,855,227 12 7 6
12 (#212,218) jehlp 84.11% 92.04pp 763,666 0 1 1
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