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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#223) bocchicookie 99.58% 15,922.30pp 379,761,398,932 23,363 5,370 3,255
2 (#605) Woey 98.64% 13,959.80pp 365,825,424,736 3,833 12,398 4,488
3 (#794) Willy 99.67% 13,427.00pp 244,340,595,332 8,766 22,425 2,254
4 (#887) Toy 99.47% 13,223.10pp 167,968,882,770 9,833 4,291 1,792
5 (#1,274) DigitalHypno 99.22% 12,568.60pp 39,437,887,602 2,570 722 5
6 (#4,788) AmericanPenguin 99.34% 10,109.60pp 67,593,489,177 4,484 2,002 3,077
7 (#5,316) LosingCrayon 99.68% 9,918.51pp 92,107,757,663 15,246 432 2,562
8 (#5,811) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 98.97% 9,748.73pp 947,485,432,961 42,667 49,911 15,776
9 (#7,234) teashoe 99.40% 9,342.76pp 76,621,736,070 1,401 3,535 222
10 (#11,653) xasuma 99.32% 8,498.61pp 531,232,260,872 28,468 46,538 10,329
11 (#12,366) aefrogdog 99.12% 8,397.66pp 24,485,445,953 2,483 2,034 958
12 (#12,756) [-Griffin-] 99.37% 8,345.79pp 70,407,153,356 16,291 3,241 3,421
13 (#17,785) Meowcenaries 99.50% 7,750.37pp 68,292,811,947 2,684 8,736 850
14 (#18,199) Ishkiz 99.22% 7,708.05pp 65,495,919,068 1,418 2,751 2,726
15 (#21,776) crippletoytl 99.44% 7,394.44pp 54,114,890,577 1,941 2,241 3,010
16 (#22,628) Montyy 99.39% 7,330.63pp 70,450,461,635 2,507 2,590 903
17 (#23,532) beef wellington 98.66% 7,264.81pp 24,109,110,419 2,129 1,942 3,522
18 (#25,416) NixXSkate 98.97% 7,136.24pp 16,623,008,408 2,528 433 214
19 (#25,553) Lancien 98.64% 7,126.54pp 44,138,171,602 2,183 1,856 2,496
20 (#27,300) SevenEnd7 96.80% 7,016.03pp 13,483,251,451 2,191 809 643
21 (#35,917) slymaster 99.16% 6,540.63pp 29,707,396,245 1,329 2,590 131
22 (#37,452) greeeenpanda 99.58% 6,467.87pp 50,532,771,391 2,245 5,225 75
23 (#46,639) Sleepteiner 99.57% 6,091.58pp 286,130,461,012 66,076 707 3,136
24 (#53,508) geckogates 98.97% 5,848.64pp 91,502,420,427 1,890 9,139 3,565
25 (#55,427) Izzz 99.10% 5,786.77pp 40,510,341,874 2,061 2,982 1,782
26 (#61,148) Golrin 98.87% 5,615.77pp 40,926,945,615 2,462 4,085 2,857
27 (#69,370) Zalaria 99.86% 5,401.30pp 379,402,203,775 81,606 777 1,146
28 (#73,370) -Nari- 99.25% 5,303.41pp 63,887,674,099 1,294 6,548 1,209
29 (#76,446) - SnorlaxDeLuxe 97.85% 5,230.72pp 80,149,762,579 2,284 5,509 5,355
30 (#80,204) Domi 99.43% 5,146.29pp 38,741,693,214 12,484 1,827 2,775
31 (#80,911) SoundSoul 99.26% 5,130.23pp 45,787,854,985 2,189 2,385 2,833
32 (#88,859) Moka 99.99% 4,966.21pp 14,138,538,647 4,251 426 172
33 (#92,209) xxdinorabbitxx 99.23% 4,900.69pp 16,943,815,410 3,704 1,076 541
34 (#95,974) _starry 99.41% 4,827.62pp 45,982,081,530 19,674 330 236
35 (#97,979) Shyguy 99.60% 4,790.06pp 11,194,738,580 2,200 319 243
36 (#107,246) Ohayousoro 98.72% 4,622.63pp 56,443,344,025 3,102 7,500 5,574
37 (#165,936) Tesla Roadster 99.48% 3,782.67pp 12,219,621,532 5,555 805 853
38 (#203,846) Torveld 99.05% 3,388.81pp 79,514,962,056 25,512 4,589 3,781
39 (#218,036) Reverie 98.77% 3,259.99pp 7,188,681,215 2,137 398 1,103
40 (#224,234) Ryukerg 99.32% 3,206.35pp 7,051,929,054 2,940 763 1,111
41 (#403,807) Ckasmo 99.76% 2,129.88pp 4,185,263,453 3,093 3 2
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