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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Shyguy 98.97% 23,050.75pp 40,642,009,270 12,248 18,507 875
2 bocchicookie 98.04% 22,374.78pp 381,861,560,843 23,906 5,994 3,521
3 Toy 97.91% 21,271.40pp 173,455,492,908 10,238 5,350 2,242
4 teashoe 99.32% 17,696.28pp 82,325,137,740 1,863 5,256 232
5 xasuma 98.54% 17,653.22pp 660,119,181,172 32,820 66,207 12,661
6 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 96.85% 16,016.19pp 949,901,506,966 42,762 50,892 16,425
7 Woey 98.64% 13,959.80pp 365,825,424,736 3,833 12,398 4,488
8 Willy 99.33% 13,713.88pp 244,445,162,194 8,778 22,515 2,263
9 DigitalHypno 99.22% 12,568.60pp 39,437,887,602 2,570 722 5
10 AmericanPenguin 97.26% 12,212.82pp 67,647,281,047 4,488 2,041 3,136
11 beef wellington 97.06% 11,432.44pp 24,666,247,232 2,131 2,357 3,751
12 Sleepteiner 97.61% 10,806.33pp 300,228,952,145 79,367 7,349 3,270
13 [-Griffin-] 86.97% 10,027.67pp 70,693,627,900 16,364 3,355 3,468
14 LosingCrayon 99.68% 9,918.51pp 92,107,757,663 15,246 432 2,562
15 greeeenpanda 98.83% 9,700.76pp 51,554,144,386 2,473 5,441 91
16 Domi 97.06% 9,433.63pp 39,233,558,948 12,567 2,145 2,914
17 Lancien 99.32% 8,790.93pp 44,958,895,236 2,444 1,859 2,520
18 aefrogdog 99.12% 8,397.66pp 24,485,445,953 2,483 2,034 958
19 Montyy 99.14% 8,098.72pp 70,547,661,702 2,507 2,686 905
20 Meowcenaries 99.50% 7,750.37pp 68,292,811,947 2,684 8,736 850
21 Ishkiz 99.22% 7,708.05pp 65,495,919,068 1,418 2,751 2,726
22 crippletoytl 99.44% 7,394.44pp 54,114,890,577 1,941 2,241 3,010
23 NixXSkate 98.97% 7,136.24pp 16,623,008,408 2,528 433 214
24 SevenEnd7 96.80% 7,016.03pp 13,483,251,451 2,191 809 643
25 Izzz 97.82% 6,835.69pp 40,964,553,763 2,061 3,377 1,860
26 slymaster 99.16% 6,540.63pp 29,707,396,245 1,329 2,590 131
27 geckogates 98.97% 5,848.64pp 91,502,420,427 1,890 9,139 3,565
28 SoundSoul 97.27% 5,795.17pp 45,868,814,666 2,189 2,431 2,870
29 Golrin 98.87% 5,615.77pp 40,926,945,615 2,462 4,085 2,857
30 Zalaria 99.86% 5,401.30pp 379,402,203,775 81,606 777 1,146
31 -Nari- 99.25% 5,303.41pp 63,887,674,099 1,294 6,548 1,209
32 - SnorlaxDeLuxe 97.85% 5,230.72pp 80,149,762,579 2,284 5,509 5,355
33 Moka 99.99% 4,966.21pp 14,138,538,647 4,251 426 172
34 xxdinorabbitxx 99.23% 4,900.69pp 16,943,815,410 3,704 1,076 541
35 _starry 99.41% 4,827.62pp 45,982,081,530 19,674 330 236
36 Ohayousoro 98.72% 4,622.63pp 56,443,344,025 3,102 7,500 5,574
37 Tesla Roadster 99.48% 3,782.67pp 12,219,621,532 5,555 805 853
38 Torveld 99.05% 3,388.81pp 79,514,962,056 25,512 4,589 3,781
39 Reverie 98.77% 3,259.99pp 7,188,681,215 2,137 398 1,103
40 Ryukerg 99.32% 3,206.35pp 7,051,929,054 2,940 763 1,111
41 Ckasmo 99.76% 2,129.88pp 4,185,263,453 3,093 3 2
42 jehlp 92.60% 1,126.85pp 241,211,987 6 84 83
43 290ms 48.47% 12.29pp 1,746,495 1 0 1
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