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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Woey 97.57% 28,007.57pp 358,276,259,437 3,980 13,500 4,404
2 Shyguy 98.95% 23,197.33pp 38,929,521,862 12,204 16,450 567
3 bocchicookie 98.05% 22,184.66pp 356,601,564,343 22,222 5,481 2,864
4 Toy 97.76% 21,086.29pp 172,531,088,767 10,307 5,346 1,932
5 teashoe 99.30% 19,899.16pp 81,947,992,479 2,015 5,255 203
6 xasuma 98.51% 18,026.43pp 627,635,304,213 35,967 55,387 11,536
7 LosingCrayon 99.84% 16,192.28pp 96,936,884,888 15,888 499 2,461
8 eeeeeeeeeeeeeee 96.84% 16,179.50pp 919,953,022,075 42,408 50,100 14,599
9 DigitalHypno 99.61% 14,335.30pp 40,052,012,718 2,951 726 0
10 Willy 99.33% 13,823.48pp 235,848,320,844 8,272 21,877 2,046
11 AmericanPenguin 91.15% 12,544.14pp 67,439,162,313 4,480 2,044 2,883
12 aefrogdog 99.42% 11,986.73pp 27,385,280,588 2,609 2,225 767
13 Jeby 97.84% 11,604.22pp 55,049,969,387 1,670 4,293 1,480
14 beef wellington 97.00% 11,183.46pp 23,796,750,047 2,169 2,414 3,157
15 slymaster 98.31% 11,114.78pp 30,241,122,580 1,329 2,862 483
16 Sleepteiner 97.64% 10,447.64pp 297,946,464,766 85,263 796 2,800
17 [-Griffin-] 86.30% 9,888.36pp 67,510,126,730 16,211 3,236 2,612
18 greeeenpanda 98.77% 9,201.55pp 49,078,359,258 2,335 5,277 10
19 Meowcenaries 96.85% 8,827.19pp 68,316,173,111 2,681 8,973 696
20 Lancien 99.36% 8,731.24pp 43,976,112,145 2,388 1,981 1,998
21 geckogates 97.68% 8,489.32pp 91,799,057,157 1,999 9,850 3,075
22 Montyy 97.82% 8,224.57pp 70,548,282,480 2,531 2,693 823
23 SoundSoul 97.03% 8,090.03pp 46,003,243,423 2,237 2,599 2,596
24 Izzz 97.96% 8,076.43pp 41,287,915,790 2,206 3,578 1,723
25 Ishkiz 99.32% 7,702.85pp 65,366,504,786 1,418 2,866 2,303
26 SevenEnd7 94.77% 7,561.09pp 13,610,567,364 2,247 826 530
27 crippletoytl 99.46% 7,421.88pp 53,989,609,819 1,937 2,267 2,768
28 NixXSkate 99.00% 7,208.24pp 16,623,008,408 2,527 440 191
29 - SnorlaxDeLuxe 98.88% 6,933.96pp 85,306,905,336 3,053 7,573 4,784
30 xxdinorabbitxx 96.08% 6,492.57pp 17,626,304,758 3,753 1,264 491
31 Dagresha 99.05% 6,189.48pp 24,318,964,953 1,835 2,056 1,219
32 _starry 99.66% 6,142.02pp 48,441,563,326 22,123 331 206
33 Golrin 98.95% 5,622.34pp 40,926,157,187 2,462 4,154 2,374
34 Zalaria 99.87% 5,442.27pp 362,761,895,401 78,461 738 1,130
35 -Nari- 99.23% 5,328.46pp 63,887,674,099 1,293 6,664 1,052
36 Amity-Senpai 97.30% 5,240.53pp 79,701,418,824 13,996 8,389 5,260
37 Reverie 98.53% 5,229.81pp 6,768,377,224 2,413 407 778
38 Domi 99.41% 5,139.90pp 38,660,261,994 12,467 1,908 2,334
39 Moka 80.28% 5,009.98pp 13,989,014,350 4,236 433 145
40 AnimeAlex321 99.99% 4,710.61pp 22,750,394,897 9,373 2 0
41 Ohayousoro 98.79% 4,629.36pp 56,231,017,331 3,102 7,706 4,667
42 Tesla Roadster 97.96% 3,896.20pp 12,226,699,784 5,577 834 733
43 Torveld 99.08% 3,355.94pp 71,795,857,082 22,625 4,664 2,754
44 290ms 73.46% 2,281.68pp 15,948,347,195 11,652 17 2
45 Ckasmo 99.80% 2,134.43pp 4,185,263,453 3,098 3 0
46 jehlp 92.60% 1,126.85pp 241,211,987 6 84 83
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