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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Iojioji 99.27% 18,613.09pp 29,409,289,677 178 1,813 2,822
2 Siros 97.54% 16,172.46pp 23,195,670,846 180 1,425 1,460
3 Camberos 99.23% 15,194.00pp 77,105,359,937 310 2,412 1,704
4 Alfrah 94.33% 14,570.08pp 66,519,228,954 249 1,937 2,272
5 Trint 99.45% 9,297.79pp 15,924,979,021 234 1,355 164
6 iIadrianIi 99.35% 8,399.97pp 18,961,005,804 105 477 1,426
7 J0s4nTma5 97.28% 7,481.84pp 15,550,301,284 270 1,674 1,449
8 Rezlyy 99.03% 6,596.86pp 8,838,659,709 22 399 352
9 SofiLovesu 99.19% 4,290.52pp 6,147,733,148 237 755 1,071
10 hasegami 97.59% 4,116.83pp 3,888,138,865 8 335 387
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