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Ciudad de Mexico

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#847) ZaveryK 98.24% 10,957.00pp 2,609,897,612 42 1,148 1,097
2 (#2,477) Flameshock 98.77% 7,463.25pp 4,539,403,728 163 1,696 2,959
3 (#8,725) Riot 98.31% 3,698.72pp 125,988,847 4 102 164
4 (#24,099) ImNoob 98.30% 1,450.70pp 12,664,573 8 37 16
5 (#63,446) Muzkat 83.70% 378.78pp 2,083,634 0 0 7
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