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KR Mania

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2) Motion 99.94% 26,069.40pp 150,917,768,833 1,598 3,741 244
2 (#333) Petit 99.75% 12,522.10pp 36,888,151,519 300 1,414 163
3 (#1,017) Peaceful 99.67% 8,022.38pp 7,067,857,189 649 455 84
4 (#1,130) Hoshikuz 99.79% 7,587.87pp 12,592,217,266 570 1,108 169
5 (#1,329) Luciel 99.70% 6,934.82pp 9,827,401,643 222 509 169
6 (#1,701) MuangMuangE 99.37% 6,000.95pp 13,237,935,670 200 1,626 217
7 (#2,784) leqek 99.94% 4,232.28pp 8,106,071,111 367 645 197
8 (#4,469) Merhaf 99.18% 2,970.28pp 2,213,921,689 78 460 224
9 (#5,482) dltjsdn1472 98.70% 2,555.24pp 804,790,989 4 116 157
10 (#22,587) dressurf 97.74% 590.46pp 135,296,187 3 15 36
11 (#29,673) MoTeSolo 97.29% 332.36pp 41,882,024 0 6 10
12 (#34,444) ikea man 95.09% 226.97pp 14,421,984 0 3 8
13 (#76,532) ghks01 96.41% 31.26pp 1,236,716 0 1 3
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