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KR Mania

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2) Peaceful 99.50% 20,925.50pp 5,264,410,120 1,405 1,994 511
2 (#163) Konpaku Sariel 98.08% 15,028.50pp 2,809,065,453 113 1,918 536
3 (#309) Petit 97.48% 13,588.20pp 2,050,664,118 20 793 899
4 (#1,436) Hoshikuz 98.08% 9,311.75pp 817,628,631 59 619 406
5 (#2,468) hyun1 99.30% 7,477.92pp 1,282,646,796 98 999 249
6 (#3,466) dressurf 97.41% 6,403.64pp 291,148,287 0 33 254
7 (#3,815) Garalulu 98.54% 6,110.58pp 572,775,924 7 303 349
8 (#4,421) Greatvictory 98.30% 5,649.54pp 287,953,019 2 122 263
9 (#5,504) Merhaf 97.72% 4,982.71pp 255,839,698 0 143 252
10 (#5,643) [ Lindberg ] 96.77% 4,912.14pp 450,980,511 3 145 339
11 (#7,746) leqek 99.04% 4,009.00pp 274,988,336 149 301 283
12 (#8,913) Motion 98.29% 3,628.78pp 109,883,948 5 101 111
13 (#10,756) _Subak 97.78% 3,138.61pp 224,269,714 9 114 407
14 (#11,791) [NaNachi] 95.19% 2,917.00pp 44,580,504 6 30 98
15 (#28,586) yurifever 95.68% 1,201.26pp 8,280,264 0 4 20
16 (#33,615) qodtjr 94.01% 993.10pp 7,297,632 0 13 19
17 (#152,111) ghks01 78.00% 68.86pp 281,986 0 0 0
18 (#161,709) prin1209 91.26% 60.20pp 174,228 0 0 1
19 (#815,745) CodeName Ritter 81.76% 12.57pp 55,042 0 0 0
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