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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#472) Petit 99.09% 14,441.50pp 74,387,283,413 91 1,629 2,460
2 (#1,066) Spektre 99.03% 12,901.40pp 85,300,691,882 24 1,253 2,276
3 (#5,629) Garalulu 98.12% 9,809.54pp 68,618,145,668 55 1,341 3,910
4 (#5,849) ch0co 98.43% 9,738.70pp 24,097,970,049 30 410 1,227
5 (#8,318) ackh9428 98.51% 9,083.91pp 41,578,396,054 101 1,254 2,069
6 (#10,057) ToLove 98.94% 8,760.02pp 18,591,912,322 146 873 622
7 (#11,693) Peaceful 99.38% 8,493.31pp 6,750,689,006 938 1,193 265
8 (#13,810) VarvalianFanboy 98.18% 8,204.38pp 19,788,071,069 66 721 1,559
9 (#23,557) Hoshikuz 98.80% 7,262.92pp 21,467,528,264 203 1,511 1,568
10 (#25,668) ikea man 98.41% 7,118.91pp 11,622,614,672 33 376 917
11 (#29,039) Motion 96.28% 6,912.26pp 10,833,190,740 53 673 878
12 (#63,814) Greatvictory 98.41% 5,542.43pp 4,276,592,884 19 243 640
13 (#81,902) leqek 98.99% 5,109.82pp 24,854,403,475 1,736 1,514 2,422
14 (#89,584) Preonic 98.49% 4,952.08pp 5,384,351,743 13 324 657
15 (#98,663) _Subak 96.96% 4,777.36pp 7,804,758,911 9 362 1,122
16 (#143,880) Thengkeon 98.14% 4,059.50pp 1,814,796,361 2 112 610
17 (#154,560) Load 96.58% 3,919.33pp 1,243,143,880 0 40 322
18 (#155,138) Konpaku Sariel 98.52% 3,913.31pp 1,959,225,575 43 196 371
19 (#155,963) yurifever 98.42% 3,901.31pp 1,041,299,011 12 129 214
20 (#174,752) [Style] 97.78% 3,683.63pp 2,315,251,933 6 220 241
21 (#174,944) [GB]SuddenDeath 95.97% 3,680.29pp 1,143,885,883 2 23 294
22 (#177,223) SnowScent 95.42% 3,656.53pp 1,189,533,772 1 76 237
23 (#217,122) KorRyua 97.55% 3,267.92pp 3,552,612,712 45 242 640
24 (#220,265) dressurf 96.47% 3,242.20pp 1,275,426,496 13 55 355
25 (#293,230) KalkaiFanboy 93.41% 2,707.84pp 928,971,792 0 29 330
26 (#306,154) Merhaf 96.84% 2,629.98pp 3,146,774,362 33 474 497
27 (#366,460) YUKI - 95.58% 2,304.20pp 147,311,444 0 7 41
28 (#464,937) [NaNachi] 96.07% 1,880.04pp 415,685,458 2 48 140
29 (#501,901) [Z]ealot 94.08% 1,745.63pp 533,268,992 2 50 149
30 (#561,830) qodtjr 93.35% 1,551.29pp 609,369,610 2 63 153
31 (#616,406) Niks 95.60% 1,392.19pp 1,867,477,379 0 3 15
32 (#632,487) Luciel 96.17% 1,346.46pp 662,435,565 23 120 124
33 (#681,378) L-Candy 89.95% 1,221.91pp 1,086,197,005 14 94 255
34 (#732,351) KSV_YoonRoot 88.42% 1,105.26pp 92,161,296 0 2 10
35 (#834,741) kongback25 95.43% 903.01pp 129,038,750 1 33 35
36 (#843,338) LunaticWorld 94.47% 887.86pp 225,057,992 6 40 97
37 (#866,186) dltjsdn1472 87.93% 848.81pp 148,423,187 0 7 33
38 (#1,220,316) prin1209 97.14% 414.75pp 33,124,792 4 27 6
39 (#1,304,431) Naaaad 86.10% 345.80pp 6,145,444 1 2 6
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