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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Motion 97.76% 55,503.74pp 162,426,516,345 1,656 5,054 1,303
2 Petit 97.91% 50,044.22pp 115,191,302,612 412 5,543 3,853
3 Peaceful 98.76% 46,742.42pp 19,853,456,737 3,001 4,359 929
4 dressurf 97.59% 36,232.30pp 2,776,142,416 16 1,098 740
5 Hoshikuz 97.46% 30,252.78pp 36,368,751,035 832 4,599 2,357
6 Konpaku Sariel 97.23% 30,014.91pp 5,682,516,289 157 2,930 1,069
7 Kalkai 97.35% 25,862.10pp 2,091,379,587 2 1,841 305
8 Merhaf 97.38% 25,494.17pp 8,115,377,913 113 3,511 1,186
9 leqek 98.29% 25,234.30pp 41,425,332,594 2,365 10,371 3,234
10 Greatvictory 97.48% 25,057.07pp 7,008,239,399 21 2,684 1,087
11 [NaNachi] 95.91% 23,915.04pp 2,268,216,873 10 1,724 478
12 _Ennill 97.43% 22,822.70pp 2,115,007,157 16 2,067 95
13 NKEYBOARD 97.72% 22,243.00pp 2,256,330,608 2 2,205 84
14 [Style] 97.03% 21,544.23pp 3,232,038,004 6 1,126 320
15 MoTeSolo 97.15% 21,476.06pp 1,314,483,431 1 1,213 93
16 ideu- 97.41% 21,050.90pp 729,809,496 0 720 25
17 Alchemy 96.93% 21,010.30pp 1,000,615,055 1 974 86
18 wy_ 96.86% 19,951.70pp 976,636,012 2 973 26
19 Luciel 97.62% 19,813.28pp 12,975,883,147 245 2,798 371
20 ch0co 97.10% 19,387.16pp 25,031,137,855 30 1,267 1,389
21 Load 96.23% 19,140.83pp 2,523,627,884 0 1,181 578
22 Doma - Umaru 97.38% 18,504.10pp 1,267,572,382 3 1,243 45
23 YUKI - 96.23% 18,030.40pp 954,266,455 2 716 168
24 SnowScent 96.08% 17,812.63pp 2,437,825,623 3 1,286 332
25 rlarkgus 96.46% 17,507.80pp 2,263,880,375 1 2,068 245
26 ikea man 96.52% 17,272.60pp 13,796,288,843 33 2,468 1,107
27 Thengkeon 96.84% 16,813.40pp 3,512,984,658 2 1,518 1,039
28 [GB]SuddenDeath 97.34% 16,604.99pp 3,416,001,551 2 2,037 384
29 seokseki 96.08% 16,486.10pp 1,132,921,089 0 1,057 152
30 KalkaiFanboy 94.78% 16,235.34pp 2,221,465,188 0 1,201 523
31 MuangMuangE 97.66% 16,141.85pp 18,970,049,404 228 7,307 371
32 Naaaad 92.09% 16,100.30pp 1,735,541,331 23 1,653 92
33 qodtjr 95.08% 16,076.99pp 2,670,111,741 2 2,079 312
34 Garalulu 98.33% 15,920.11pp 69,159,407,378 62 1,644 4,255
35 Estonians 97.07% 15,808.00pp 2,117,566,586 2 2,108 46
36 soulseason 96.69% 15,580.80pp 477,737,920 0 480 19
37 hr601432 96.05% 15,517.50pp 627,497,430 0 497 168
38 yurifever 96.51% 15,371.17pp 3,190,345,350 13 2,246 348
39 Krokodil 96.82% 15,263.30pp 783,721,998 0 727 100
40 VarvalianFanboy 97.06% 15,085.35pp 21,190,336,760 66 1,988 1,743
41 Niks 96.29% 14,945.49pp 5,669,307,306 0 536 76
42 Rantte 97.63% 14,835.10pp 3,946,465,973 4 3,713 201
43 prin1209 94.99% 14,541.75pp 1,789,039,215 7 1,615 272
44 Transcendence 97.31% 14,513.20pp 888,564,813 1 791 127
45 gosy777 97.01% 14,374.80pp 4,809,554,701 69 4,760 56
46 DeepBlueSky 96.44% 14,207.10pp 787,047,856 0 755 75
47 yuruyuridaisuki 96.12% 14,186.40pp 378,099,610 0 333 72
48 ToLove 97.54% 14,152.21pp 19,402,933,875 147 1,460 947
49 7777 97.21% 13,948.10pp 1,350,450,978 1 1,251 146
50 Pengdoll 96.42% 13,591.20pp 1,372,786,986 0 1,279 120
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