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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Haadez 97.46% 32,861.12pp 175,438,706,158 28,147 5,918 7,179
2 TheShadowOfDark 97.26% 21,954.45pp 243,755,765,426 50,997 13,913 4,631
3 Buster 97.66% 20,362.02pp 65,043,984,557 12,901 4,937 906
4 LwL 96.99% 18,697.85pp 150,269,965,944 820 7,103 6,031
5 Sowisty 99.51% 17,831.31pp 149,063,589,076 35,771 2,670 1,203
6 xasuma 98.54% 17,653.22pp 660,119,181,172 32,820 66,207 12,661
7 Olib 99.55% 16,814.33pp 279,879,637,360 4,480 18,045 3,208
8 Bidoof 97.43% 15,550.79pp 254,930,579,868 5,187 13,162 2,589
9 Lilily 98.86% 14,111.20pp 333,281,738,013 12,855 14,135 5,204
10 Duskyui 98.90% 13,320.26pp 607,502,275,869 26,122 17,797 10,191
11 AmericanPenguin 97.24% 12,225.14pp 67,647,561,457 4,488 2,041 3,136
12 pewdekz 99.15% 11,443.80pp 99,857,684,634 2,076 8,169 5,110
13 ImMyyrh 99.40% 11,187.26pp 146,511,202,791 22,144 7,075 2,977
14 luxcent 98.43% 10,551.20pp 18,773,613,972 306 1,418 2,312
15 kevin3333g 99.97% 10,054.33pp 36,589,835,845 72,669 642 6
16 [-Griffin-] 86.97% 10,027.67pp 70,745,787,468 16,380 3,356 3,468
17 Seven 37.21% 9,609.59pp 50,618,916,678 1,645 2,503 2,123
18 Domi 97.06% 9,442.12pp 39,234,104,976 12,567 2,148 2,914
19 Lancien 99.32% 8,790.93pp 44,958,895,236 2,444 1,859 2,520
20 WiMpN 99.18% 8,670.02pp 997,004,865,685 56,879 49,091 12,448
21 [Lucky] 99.17% 8,502.00pp 444,387,225,424 2,749 16,673 19,796
22 aefrogdog 99.12% 8,397.66pp 24,485,445,953 2,483 2,034 958
23 Loozy 98.76% 8,282.56pp 16,969,084,783 182 921 1,940
24 Emilily 97.54% 8,243.89pp 89,636,925,126 14,479 5,790 4,338
25 Gracidea 99.19% 7,076.49pp 60,610,175,825 5,683 3,126 2,676
26 SevenEnd7 96.80% 7,016.03pp 13,483,251,451 2,191 809 643
27 Trinoline 84.83% 7,003.51pp 293,634,720,995 7,802 26,537 10,461
28 Zalaria 99.86% 5,401.30pp 379,491,452,587 81,628 777 1,148
29 _starry 99.41% 4,827.62pp 45,982,081,530 19,674 330 236
30 Suwako 99.18% 4,171.85pp 57,411,872,809 20,555 6,960 756
31 akire 98.84% 4,151.98pp 29,352,712,216 6,824 3,684 1,565
32 wilson0512 84.17% 211.82pp 13,084,514 8 5 4
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