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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#44,962) Haadez 96.10% 3,799.12pp 1,913,964,236 33 1,621 351
2 (#90,680) TheShadowOfDark 95.32% 2,321.35pp 4,561,418,977 296 4,179 170
3 (#93,750) Buster 96.15% 2,252.25pp 1,228,667,302 32 1,172 49
4 (#117,312) Bidoof 95.40% 1,830.20pp 1,030,129,834 0 990 98
5 (#148,653) xasuma 97.46% 1,432.01pp 14,183,779,725 1 14,181 387
6 (#204,702) Domi 94.62% 938.24pp 156,832,515 0 79 68
7 (#207,368) kevin3333g 100.00% 920.86pp 3,717,999,592 3,713 0 0
8 (#213,582) LwL 96.02% 877.97pp 157,630,888 0 116 47
9 (#223,467) Emilily 96.18% 816.06pp 342,133,490 34 259 58
10 (#437,395) [-Griffin-] 76.91% 120.34pp 14,366,650 3 3 4
11 (#437,927) Trinoline 70.53% 118.84pp 24,187,317 0 0 0
12 (#458,485) wilson0512 75.97% 16.62pp 8,397,964 0 1 3
13 (#572,635) ImMyyrh 100.00% 6.54pp 1,982,639 2 0 0
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