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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#604) Olib 99.83% 10,126.30pp 105,379,102,799 3,159 7,640 229
2 (#773) LwL 99.63% 8,949.10pp 18,240,497,894 100 1,217 437
3 (#1,189) TheShadowOfDark 99.76% 7,378.66pp 114,658,819,989 10,266 3,021 902
4 (#1,347) Buster 99.74% 6,887.36pp 10,310,606,070 1,767 713 44
5 (#1,703) Haadez 99.66% 5,993.06pp 7,876,707,468 3,143 800 377
6 (#2,062) Bidoof 99.56% 5,237.95pp 11,537,908,200 1,417 876 25
7 (#4,408) Sowisty 100.00% 3,001.53pp 25,556,061,116 14,557 0 0
8 (#6,389) xasuma 99.89% 2,295.68pp 111,519,907,614 4,255 2,859 79
9 (#6,426) Duskyui 99.38% 2,285.83pp 1,263,219,521 83 335 124
10 (#9,410) Lancien 99.99% 1,664.39pp 820,723,634 261 3 24
11 (#10,850) Domi 99.69% 1,479.40pp 316,903,787 69 145 59
12 (#16,942) [-Griffin-] 99.67% 913.55pp 269,252,667 61 101 37
13 (#40,726) ImMyyrh 99.70% 519.78pp 267,914,619 29 55 8
14 (#32,009) AmericanPenguin 95.95% 276.29pp 26,336,881 1 5 12
15 (#105,458) wilson0512 99.53% 125.18pp 4,351,835 7 4 1
16 (#588,673) Seven 99.07% 5.87pp 1,403,368 0 1 0
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