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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,528) kevin3333g 99.95% 9,133.47pp 32,871,836,253 68,956 642 6
2 (#2,053) Haadez 97.54% 8,107.64pp 915,182,176 1,182 449 690
3 (#4,752) xasuma 99.40% 5,426.92pp 3,183,232,961 96 2,629 1,866
4 (#5,794) TheShadowOfDark 98.86% 4,838.19pp 3,120,938,202 4,822 4,746 663
5 (#11,437) Buster 97.93% 2,991.71pp 44,827,073 80 137 11
6 (#16,093) Emilily 98.69% 2,193.24pp 238,737,129 38 274 382
7 (#16,766) Sowisty 99.00% 2,107.98pp 22,857,807 119 99 4
8 (#18,807) Domi 99.16% 1,878.19pp 18,675,460 14 97 12
9 (#19,178) AmericanPenguin 97.75% 1,839.25pp 27,735,399 3 34 47
10 (#24,258) Duskyui 97.41% 1,441.57pp 32,482,035 9 62 76
11 (#59,829) ImMyyrh 96.73% 751.78pp 6,454,578 5 25 11
12 (#43,547) LwL 94.05% 700.78pp 5,680,224 0 9 19
13 (#45,912) [-Griffin-] 89.41% 647.99pp 2,855,227 12 7 6
14 (#235,032) wilson0512 85.22% 70.03pp 334,715 1 0 0
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