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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1) dressurf 97.84% 26,004.90pp 1,078,729,472 0 995 99
2 (#2) Kalkai 97.35% 25,862.10pp 2,091,379,587 2 1,841 305
3 (#11) NKEYBOARD 97.72% 22,243.00pp 2,256,330,608 2 2,205 84
4 (#14) yz1155 98.00% 21,893.40pp 1,651,977,075 9 1,628 12
5 (#20) MoTeSolo 97.02% 21,143.70pp 1,272,601,407 1 1,207 83
6 (#21) ideu- 97.41% 21,050.90pp 729,809,496 0 720 25
7 (#23) Alchemy 96.93% 21,010.30pp 1,000,615,055 1 974 86
8 (#41) wy_ 96.86% 19,951.70pp 976,636,012 2 973 26
9 (#43) Dety 96.99% 19,801.60pp 570,120,809 0 553 52
10 (#59) [NaNachi] 96.20% 19,118.00pp 1,807,950,911 2 1,646 240
11 (#61) Motion 96.92% 18,893.30pp 565,672,824 0 539 70
12 (#91) [Style] 96.27% 17,860.60pp 916,786,071 0 906 79
13 (#193) Estonians 97.07% 15,808.00pp 2,117,566,586 2 2,108 46
14 (#214) soulseason 96.69% 15,580.80pp 477,737,920 0 480 19
15 (#223) hr601432 96.05% 15,517.50pp 627,497,430 0 497 168
16 (#325) Transcendence 97.31% 14,513.20pp 888,564,813 1 791 127
17 (#359) mo_Gwa 96.89% 14,303.20pp 1,923,507,050 13 1,911 40
18 (#383) SnowScent 96.73% 14,156.10pp 1,248,291,851 2 1,210 95
19 (#412) 7777 97.21% 13,948.10pp 1,350,450,978 1 1,251 146
20 (#424) Greatvictory 96.60% 13,865.10pp 2,443,693,496 0 2,319 184
21 (#451) Dotory 96.23% 13,698.60pp 2,639,861,577 0 2,613 202
22 (#463) clrty2 96.35% 13,633.70pp 3,163,200,821 3 3,142 162
23 (#470) Pengdoll 96.42% 13,591.20pp 1,372,786,986 0 1,279 120
24 (#518) P1gh 96.05% 13,358.10pp 1,054,695,562 0 1,005 139
25 (#736) araragigun 96.06% 12,691.30pp 3,532,583,986 49 3,435 62
26 (#851) KimTaJo 96.12% 12,376.10pp 1,053,167,684 0 786 328
27 (#1,069) leqek 97.10% 11,883.20pp 8,189,869,672 113 7,911 332
28 (#1,091) [Crz]Player 96.91% 11,840.70pp 1,310,193,475 4 1,204 171
29 (#1,107) [KOR]Mania 95.93% 11,813.30pp 493,934,908 0 332 228
30 (#1,121) w1sp 97.19% 11,771.80pp 730,468,792 0 716 52
31 (#1,165) Puky 95.76% 11,687.70pp 695,943,479 0 624 107
32 (#1,240) Luciel 97.31% 11,532.00pp 2,486,045,939 0 2,169 78
33 (#1,557) Konpaku Sariel 96.17% 11,073.10pp 914,225,261 1 816 162
34 (#2,067) Iridium 96.84% 10,521.10pp 2,894,027,767 167 2,614 247
35 (#2,492) Rocma 95.52% 10,152.30pp 2,316,245,683 1 2,193 366
36 (#2,511) MuangMuangE 95.95% 10,140.90pp 5,732,113,734 28 5,681 154
37 (#3,149) BZinc 96.94% 9,688.38pp 1,004,439,691 0 1,004 35
38 (#3,458) Petit 96.80% 9,492.42pp 1,875,330,327 1 1,708 330
39 (#3,678) ILOVEMARISA 94.73% 9,372.94pp 1,004,026,847 0 711 391
40 (#3,802) Peaceful 97.96% 9,301.23pp 770,500,422 9 717 69
41 (#4,167) Pikicast 97.25% 9,108.16pp 969,497,085 0 924 109
42 (#4,692) aci 95.04% 8,859.19pp 884,163,778 0 667 293
43 (#4,914) ITKU 96.63% 8,760.92pp 1,680,491,518 0 1,531 252
44 (#5,684) Carol 97.22% 8,449.25pp 1,387,470,757 0 1,336 99
45 (#5,855) Mandelion 96.72% 8,389.56pp 342,345,273 0 242 127
46 (#6,688) [ Lindberg ] 96.96% 8,094.25pp 1,345,239,174 0 1,168 275
47 (#7,490) Duriana 96.91% 7,848.04pp 3,293,421,026 98 3,164 122
48 (#8,145) Piper 96.83% 7,669.50pp 1,463,953,420 1 1,457 94
49 (#8,179) Jumping 97.08% 7,660.77pp 1,306,572,940 5 1,252 116
50 (#10,161) gusrua123 96.52% 7,166.74pp 1,437,829,734 0 1,420 114
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